ArboristSite Guru
Keep asking questions. No one is born knowing this stuff. Don't apologize. Your latest set back was nothing but a bump in the road. Shine it on. Take what you learned and don't look back.
Wise don't owe any explanations to anyone other than yourself, wife & family...UNLESS you post it here...which of course opens you up to the scrutiny and dubious counsel of everybody here & their kid brother!I have been self employed my whole life and have had no tolerance for people drinking when working for me. The owner wasn't mad at me. He said he shows up for work and is family so we have to give him a drink from time to time and not much I can do about it. I asked if there was a way to handle this without me getting squashed by a skidder or move me to the other side of the powerline and he said that he might be able to on days that it is too wet for the skidder but not normally.
I then told him I have four children and my youngest child has down syndrome and my life is too valuable to my family. He said he understood and asked me if I wanted to work when it rains and I said to give me a call but I won't be around that guy. We shook hands and I headed home.
I am not a whiner. This guy was asleep. Passed out. It wasn't a voluntary nap. He was so drunk he went out. If he had been lifting a log to get a saw out for me then he could have ran me over. That doesn't make me a whiner in my opinion.
I guess I should have explained I didn't run off the jobsite. The owner understood why I was leaving. He is usually bore cutting more trees than anyone unless he is meeting with a amish buyer or something. He said he has had some close calls but that everyone is more cautious around him because he can fire them.
I like being in the woods. I really liked the guy I worked for but on a weekly basis I was cutting down 75% of the trees and that puts me in line with that particular skidder driver way too often. When I feel like working in the woods alone would be safer than being around other workers then I thought it was time for me to leave. I can see everyone thinks I am being a baby so I will take the advice given but I do not feel I made a mistake leaving. I just wondered what my next step should be. I will eventually do this on my own but I don't know enough at this point.
I also don't think I am better than anyone else. If your an alcoholic please don't take this to heart. I smoke 2 packs a day and have no room to talk about vices. I just don't trust this guy.
Ready for the next step.
Thats unprofessional, and no way exeptable, A near miss is like attempted Assault with a deadly weapon or in the worst case scenarioMatthew, is this the first time you've experienced an alcoholic in the workplace? They're everywhere. Doesnt make it right, but they're there. You should have talked it over with the owner, family or not. You just pack out and quit everytime something going on you dont like, you'll get the reputation as a whiner. Believe me, contractors and owners talk to each other. Surprises me that someone smart enough to go to engineering school couldnt figure out something better than to pack out and quit. Fallers have many ways to get a skidder operators attention.
Westboastfaller, no one ever said anything about a near miss, that's putting words in someone elses mouth. In the midwest US the fallers are usually cutting one on one, up to three fallers to one skidder depending on the circumstances. A common way to deal w a knot head skidder man is for the fallers to gradually ease up. then a chainfiling, a filter change or nature break by one or more can get him caught up to the point he takes a break or finds some way to loaf. The fallers tie in and cut solid and swamp him. In alot of outfits the skidder operators dont go home until the days cut is on the landing.Thats unprofessional, and no way exeptable, A near miss is like attempted Assault with a deadly weapon or in the worst case scenario
Assault with a deadly weapon causing death, the same as drinking and driving, its not even exeptable in a pleasure boat here, as you could get a dwi and lose you road DL, So how the hell is this exeptable in the work force, if thats crown land( gov land )he could be charged for dwi. I'm sure of this.
Moreover, what kind of fool boss would risk his lively hood over some drunk, its just going to take that guy hurting someone bad or killing someone and someone breathing a word that he was fully aware of the mans drinking.
(To the OP) As far as a reference, who wants to be associated with that shlt. Tell the potential employer you have no tolerance for drinking in the work force, and refuse to work one minute in
that environment, and that was the reason for your departure.
He may respect and/or trust you if you don't drop names but tell him you would be happy to give him a day free trial or say "if your not happy after a couple of days then send me away free of charge.
Getting pinched? Pack an extra bar with your bag
those K&H 10" & 12" are really sweet for driving sideways
and will almost always get you out with minimal room.