Happily Married?

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i met my wife in college. she is a professional artist so we both have very uniqe jobs with irregular long hours which is how we put up with it - by not being around each other constantly...5 years last june
bumped off again

Heya Rodger , Where not going to dissagree on anything are we?

Has the stigma not changed to single mums?

Years ago you never heard of single Mums and Dads and divorce was a sin...
Now its quite socally accepted that divorce is fine an single parents are common.
Or somthing like that...This is the second time im writeing this, got bumped from my ISP (4 hour limit) wasent watching the clock..

Bummer, Went right off about the gambleing problems and single parents , the dole they get and the Gov taking it back via pokies tax!
And a little on my PEAVE of the week, 7 bucks a packet of smokes in TAX and told I carnt smoke them on Government propity... Can't even smoke on the beach anymore....

I tried realy hard to refreash it, to no avail...

Even rang the company. It would be a different address or somthing, you've lost it...Never mind ...

This thread is for how much we adore our familys...

Butch has a good point...We have all seen "green card" ANDIE McDowell and that french guy!

Some sort of paperwork should take place...

MAKE PEOPLE DO A TEST ..............

arboromega, lovely story...Whats the old saying...

Famillaraty(?) breeds contempt, absence makes the heart grow fonder...A bit of space is very important to any relationship...

This is why I want a treehouse with a retractable ladder...
And lots more rope!.....Cheers Derek..
Treehouse, you say?

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
They need to make getting married just as hard as getting divorced.
If I've understood my Swiss sister-in-law correctly, that's pretty much the situation in "the pig" (at least a decade ago, anyway).

Originally posted by MasterBlaster
Treehouse, you say?

Yes I did and I mean it, I will build a treehouse in my front yard. sooner than I would normally get somthing done....

Those sites Tom posted on Treehouse attachments has inspired the hell out of me...Some off those houses cost 250,000 to 400,000 US dollars to build

Ya wont be seeing nuthing like that on my shift...

Btw if anyone looked at the shots of the tree I want to build it in ..

It has Power to the tree.. Serious, some old miner lived beside it in a caravan and a local dogooder dug a trench with his backhoe,
and paid a sparky to intsall it properly, water proff switch, conduit the works..Im pretty sure its the only electric tree ive ever seen.

see then I can sneak up a putor and REALY playup in the TREEHOUSE!:D :dizzy: Derek..
!3 years,how about that

On this day,in 1991,Dar and I were married .It just happened to coinside with the day of nathional election .We have actually been together,for 15 yrs,yes,we lived together.While frowned on by some,it worked for us.I guess ,you might say,success is in the final results.:)
Originally posted by Derek
Yes I did and I mean it, I will build a treehouse in my front yard. sooner than I would normally get somthing done....

An elevated doghouse, huh? Sounds good.

Al, congrats on your 15th anniversary! Later, Roger.
I found my girl, I was playing 12 string guitar badly. She said she liked it. I liked the way she lied.

She'd been married twice and had no interest in getting married again. Cool, me neither. She liked to travel. Cool, me too. She wanted no kids. Cool, me too. I pursued her persistently, oblivious to the fact that I wasn't her type. I stayed over one night, and never went home.

Years later, she asked me to marry her, and I said YES. We refer to ourselves as Bonnie and Clyde because our 'bad' streaks mesh so well. She's charismatic, a great business manager and the most responsible person I have ever known, making up for my gross defecits in those areas. She's a great drinkin partner, too.

12 years of great times for two people not interested in marriage.
More great stories, thanx for sharing them...

The dogs allready have AWSOME houses's the kids have "zones" even toni has a spot or two around the place..

The ducks live in comfort as do the chickens, the gunnie pigs have a cage i made out of a desk, even the cat has a custom box..

What about ME!!!

BTW the goats can getstuffed..
I've had 2 marraiges one 12 years and one 20 and many long trerm relationships. Ya, I'm dat old.

Unless it's about child clock in you genetics, marriage is silly,

And bless you young folks,

PS: Were da women. sniff?
I went threw a few girls while tree work, not am going out with a Southern Flying Squirrel, but I don't think it will last because I get jealous that she's a better tree climber than I. :blob2:
She's not twice your age and goes by the handle "Rocky", is she?  hahaha

No offence ment Brian...

Just to funny to pass up.....You would HAVE to Agree?

I Got to watch that twisted Ozzy sence of humor!
Met my wife at the local frostee freeze ice cream shop. That was 40 years ago. We were married after 4 years and have been happy and sad through that time. Marriage takes work and I for one feel that I am married to one of the most beautiful women that exists. She looks great from the outside but looks even better when you see her through the inside. She is the pillar of our family and has done a fantastic job raising our two great gals......our daughters. I can not imagine life without this women by my side. It surely would not be the same. I thank god for my wonderful family.

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