First off, thanks PBtree, Newfie...........& MrBrushcutter!
And Bwalker,.......
Neverenough is spot on. I have been to the park also and the snowmobile ban thing was the product of the Klinton admiistration throwing a bone to its supporters in the radical enviro movement. surprise me here,......but when I think back, perhaps not.
At any rate, aren't you getting off topic? Are you trying to divert the real issue here (two-stroke emissions) with the "right wingers" VS "left wingers"?? Who gives a rats butt where the info is coming from or who says what. This isn't a football game where we all pound our chests when the favorite team scores. The facts are facts and they remain the same: two-stroke emissions are bad to be breathing and for one who's interested in minimizing their exposure, donning a respirator is not a bad idea. As far as I can tell, that isn't rocket science, .......nor does it make one a "radical" something or other.
Alot of things cause cancer, including the ingrediants in gasoline and oil. Are some of these carcinagins ingested while operating a saw? Maybe, but I dont see sawyers and arbos developing lung cancer left and right. Heck, bar-b-Q'ing meat causes the ingestion of carcinigins also, but I am not about to stop.
It's not about ingesting but rather inhaling. And is it proof to you that two-stroke emissions are as safe as mothers milk just because YOU personally don't see the problems? There are more reasons not to expose ones self to this stuff then just simple ol' cancer.
Bottom line with this i think yes it probally is bad for you but its unfair to single it out as a single cause -
....I'm not singling out one single cause of cancer....or any other health issue related to two-stroke emissions. Reread my second post on this topic. I'm talking about a cumulative effect of varying chemicals in ones body. There are NO studies (how could it be studied any way with the billion varibles???) showing what long term effects all this crap in combination has on our systems. But, it's easy to look at the numbers, the rate of incidence and the known culprits of cancer, amongst other health issues, and realize that there is no pretty picture to be painted.
And just speaking to the general audience here, I know there is no way to eliminate ones exposure to all the varying bad crap that can get into our system. But I also know there are hundreds of ways to minimize just how much gets in. And that's what I'm talking about here: minimizing.
I'm not preaching that anyone don a respirator while sawing but rather pointing out what has been found in numerous studies and posing the question why more aren't concerned. I just don't fully understand the sensitivity and defensiveness with a few of the responses.
To those who don't believe that the Yellowstone Park officials wear/wore respirators, do a search. It is well documented. A buddy of mine also witnessed it while visiting not too many years ago.
Also, here's a link to some emissions studies done in Yellowstone.
Remember folks, we are talking about the effects of two-stroke emissions here, not why snowmobiles should or shouldn't be allowed in the park.
And lastly, Wescoman,....uhhh,....what "lies" are you referring to? I could have missed something along the way.......