I apologize. I forgot to take pictures last night. But will have them tonight. Some progress abounds
On one of the 3700 Poulans I fished out the fuel line in the gas tank and noticed there was no filter. The filter was bouncing around unattached. The fuel line was sooo bad when I grabbed it with my fingers it split. So new line it is. Do you know if this is something I can get at a NAPA auto parts store? This saw has awesome spark. I'm guessing it's the fuel lines causing problems.
On the other 3700 Poulan I had not messed with it besides cleaning the case inside and out. It didn't even have a bar and chain on it. So I fished the line out of the gas tank and it looked newer. Almost a fluorescent color. And the filter was still attached. So I put half a tank of mix in it. Pulled it 5 times and off she went. I let it idle for 15 minutes after tuning it. Put a new 20 inch bar and chain with some oil in the reservoir. I went after a 20 inch trunk from an ash which had sat for about 6 months. I could not believe how fast it went through. And the spikes work awesome. Never used a saw with them. Wow. I've been missing out all these years.
Super XL, I ordered a new Clutch Drum because the current one is very worn. So much so that it skipped when trying to cut with it. I did however see how long it would run at idle. It was over an hour before I just shut it off. This saw just runs and runs and runs.
I'm going to have to just order the parts on the Mac. I got it running last night again but then it just took off on it's own. High rpms with no throttle. I've obviously got a fuel line and carb issue. I'll be ordering those parts in the next week.
Craftsman Roper. This is a big saw. 20 inch bar. It has no spark. I removed the cover and full of oily sawdust. I'm guessing the coil. But it looks fine. Is there a way I can test it with a multi meter?
The Poulan Pro 42cc with anti vibe. The one my wife gave me. Well I've hated the saw from the beginning because it would not start worth a crap after it was hot. It also didn't idle. So last night I got it started and adjusted the idle screw. This screw does not use the special tools. I will be making those tools via greg409 suggestion. Yes I also am a cheap b@$^&!d. I let it idle for 30 minutes. Shut it off and it started right back up.
Little story. Something I forgot to add about my haul this summer. While going into a big box lumber store they had a new looking WildThing chained to the entrace pole with a note on it. This was before I picked up my other saws. And actually what brought me to this site.
The sign on the WildThing said "$20.00. Motor Stuck" It was a 40 cc like my Poulan Pro so I thought I could buy it and use the filter, plug, bar, chain etc for the yellow one. When I got it home I looked into the muffler to see if some moron had straight gassed it. Piston looked like new. The bar had all the paint on it yet. Only a little saw dust on the saw. I start looking around and noticed a small screw had lodged itself between the rotor/flywheel and saw body. I removed the screw and bam. New loaner saw. $20. It actually isn't a bad trim saw. I adjusted the idle on it last night also.
And I adjusted the idle on my dads little Homelite super 2. This saw always starts. Always.
So it was about 11:30 last night and I had
Super XL
Poulan 3700
Poulan Pro 42 cc
WildThing 40cc
Super 2
All idling at the same time. I was running the fuel out of them to clear the lines. All of them ran until empty. Except the Super XL. Which had run the longest and never out of fuel. I finally shut it off and opened the cap. No gas mix. Bone dry. I have no idea what it was running on besides good memories. Amazing saw.