I was surprised to find out my 661 is quieter than my 250 & 193 according to an app on my iphone.I know my body pretty good. I used to wear them everyday at work because they used impacted hammers to river box truck body’s together, that was a must for me to have them in there. I appreciate the advice. I see what my ears think next time I’m running it. Was running it today with out the screen in the filter and it was a little annoying. We’re taking a little 171 tho with a pip squeak engine
I've muffler modded the 193. 250 is stock & 661 is stock but with a 1/4" hole added in front of the factory hole.
All still have screens.
I have 70% hearing loss in my right ear (according to my Dr.) due to a shotgun exploding on me when I was 13, and it's up to you, but to me it's worth protecting your hearing.