Help with Wood ID

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Nov 4, 2017
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Found this wood knocked down from last storm and don't recognize it. It kinda feels like Sassafras but they have a brownish color wood and a distinct smell that this stuff doesn't. Also it has kind of a purple color on the inside bark when split. Splits pretty easily too. Whaddya think?

It sure is some white wood, I was hoping for ash, I never see any around here though. Have no idea about tulip either. I got it all split up so she's stove bound next year :)
Don't know if it helps but the small branches of this tree were fragile and would snap into small bits easily, much like sassafras does.
See if I can find another still standing and get a picture.
Sure looks like Sassafras bark and grain, but it should have an odor to it.

That's right, the grain and feel of the wood is just like sassafras. Bark is just slightly different to sassafras I have around here. Not a hint of that powerful smell though!
Bark reminds me of Gum.


I would have said sassafras, but without the smell and bright orange inner bark, gum would be my second guess. I know of some sassafras that went down in a park about 5 years ago, and I still use the bark as a sample of what sas smells and looks like when doing tree ID walks. It's still orange and smells like root beer even after 5 years.
I've had a persimmon before but never seen a tree 'round here.
Gonna get a pic of a standing example this weekend.
If all else fails I can get a picture of leaves this spring/summer oughta help us out.
Yep thats what it is, sorry I never got more pictures, but sure enough it had Persimmons all over it late summer. Thanks for the help fellas. Now we'll have to see how it burns.
Wow #3 on the list, I woulda never thought that.
I bookmarked that page great info thanks!
Positive, there is 4 more of the same tree that had persimmons all over them.