ok so i went and picked up a homelite 330 UT10540, it didnt have a bar or chain so i had to go pick one up problem one.........i bought a 18" bar with chain but when tightening the chain up it also lifts the nose of the bar up and when it does that the chain doesnt seem to round as smoothly as it should almost like the drive teeth arnt the right count if somone could help in that area it would be great problem two.........................i can start the saw on full choke it will run for about 5 to 6 seconds and die out like normal then i turn the choke off and go to start it and it revs way way way high for about 3 seconds and just dies then i have a heck of a time restarting it.....if somone could help me with this i would be much obliged
just recently replaced my intake boot. hint: remove the carb, carb plate, AND the oiler assembly when taking it apart. you WILL have to muscle that thing to disassemble. just make sure all AV bolts are out before starting to muscle. it is a pita but really not that difficult once you've done it before. nice little saw but the intake boot seems to be the weak point and if you buy a used 330 you are almost always guaranteed you will need to replace the boot. go for it.