from what I read elsewhere.... degrease and keep it that way....clean and dry
^ plus 1,000. It is an overrunning clutch type set up and dirt and grease make it no workie.
from what I read elsewhere.... degrease and keep it that way....clean and dry
from what I read elsewhere.... degrease and keep it that way....clean and dry
yes just about as nice. The were used but maintained. Air filters look like new. The C-5 ended up being a C-72 and the XL-12 ended up being a super with both oilers. The C-72 has been switched over to 3/8 just keeps getting better, cool leather scabbard with a pouch for the scrench.:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:
that is one good looking tree eating machine....:msp_w00t:
Not unless the saw was bought back in the spring of '07 from a seller who's in the McKenzie River Bob?
Also, I thought you'd like to know that the C-5 parts saw you sent me a few months after that has helped at least a half dozen guys here over the years.:msp_thumbsup:
Most likely I bein' one of 'em............................................................................:msp_biggrin:
I also resemble one of them peoples.
i spose its possible i'd be included in that select group of saw junkies.
Aaron is head cook and bottle washer at the 'Saw Parts Dispersal Dept.".......................................................................
i hear he also sweeps the floors and washes the windows.
i spose its possible i'd be included in that select group of saw junkies.
you can tell where he's cleaned, there's a trial of mini macs behind him.. don't know if it's just bread trail so he can find his tool box
Yessir. You have parts from two different C-5's that I've parted out. That Micro is now a runner BTW. Crank seals were the main issue. PTO side was BAD...
excellent on the micro. i suspected at least one of the seals. where'd you get the seal(s). OE or AM? if AM what are the numbers, i've got 2 -3 more that need the same thing.
Careful youngster, or I'll drop some more mini macs on your shed floor...:jester:
I finally spent a little time and got the ole Super EZ going. I found a coil for a points saw, a Super 2 I think, and put the coil on the frame of the EZ module then installed it, along with the Nove II chip installed slightly behind the flywheel on the bottom inside of the saw, fit perfectly. It fired up on about the second pull and ran as well as it did with the original ignition. I was lucky on that one, being that I wasn't sure what kind of coil I had.
Is there a difference between a points coil and an electronic coil? I have 3 EZs and I think one could use a Nova chip, which I have so pictures would be great for positioning.
definitely. if you have EZ's you probly have the points model. might be that the later versions of the EZ had electronic but i don't think so. if you have the SEZA you probly have the electronic setup although i do think the earlier versions of the SEZA might have had points. if you have wires coming out from under the flywheel you got the points type.