Here's the 1020 cover I have, late version with Auto oiler. The adjuster is incorrect but functional.
Well Chris, I found the C91 cover. Didn't take a pic yet as it was dark by the time I located the correct box. Sadly, it's not in as good of condition as I remember it. I think I was thinking of another cover that I sent to someone else a couple of years ago. Mind like a steel trap. Rusty........:monkey:
This one is missing the paint from much of the corners and edges. The "I" in "Direct Drive" is all but gone (as is half of the first "D"). There's a thin crack that runs from the top of the opening behind the rear bar nut up between "Direct" and "Drive". Some knucklehead ran the saw with hardware store nuts without washers (guessing here) as the cover's pretty eaten up in the 'nut areas'. It
does look better than the cover on that ebay 'parts' C91 though...
I can shoot some pics for you still if you'd like as it is a useable cover, but it's not a restoration part, unless you want to weld the crack, clean up the 'nut areas', and repaint the cover. It does still have the adjuster hardware. If you want it, it's yours for the cost of shipping. I am still interested in your XP1020A cover, whether or not you're interested in my C91 cover. Let me know what you want for it.
Got my freebee Super XL12 running. Flushed the tank, refilled, spritzed some mix down the throat, and she cranked right up. Sprayed some NASTY oil fog and drool outa the muffler for a minute or so, then cleared right up. Now it just needs some scrubbing to get rid of the scuz and 'white death' for it to join the working fleet. Another runner! Closer examination reveals a nice fresh (and reasonably sharp) loop of SQUARE CHISEL Oregon chain on the 16" Windsor sprocket-tip. Wasn't expecting to see that on an SXL12. By the looks of things, the owner put on a new loop of chain, made a few cuts, then put the saw away. There were some serious chips (not dust) sitting on top of the filter element.
As a disgusting side note..............I think I've figured out why an otherwise well cared for and pristine saw has some
serious white death (mag corrosion) issues.........................
the damn thing smells like dog piss (as did my hands after handling the saw). Somebody's
bastard pooch pissed on the saw at some point, and white death ensued (and only in certain areas of the saw). Flushed it off
good yesterday....