This is the best that it'll look. It's gonna be a "run it like you stole it" GTG saw.
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Really nice job
This is the best that it'll look. It's gonna be a "run it like you stole it" GTG saw.
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I can get them whipped up for you guys. I know you say the slot is 14 millimeters but if you could put a pair calipers on an actual slot so that we don't have clearance problems that'd be great. I don't have any other Poulan the only thing I have that's close is a 3400 to measure to make poulan adapter. Yes this will be for sale once I get them in production at work. This was just a prototype see how many saws it would actually fit since I measured a super 650 to make it.
This is the best that it'll look. It's gonna be a "run it like you stole it" GTG saw.
Steve that looks fantastic! Great job.
I intend to do the same thing with my 2100-S this winter. I spy a Wright C-70 next to your Super 2100 in the 'before' pic. Those are also extremely cool 'GTG' saws. I always enjoy seeing and running the cherry original example owned by Atpchas (Charlie). Are you going to give yours the same treatment that you gave your Super 2100?
The Wright looks like it needs a P&C. I would like to get it going to check out how the manual timing adjustment lever works. The next saw will be a yellow one that I've had scattered for painting for about 5 years.![]()
I've never found anything to touch up a saw with because of the fading, I guess you could just paint the whole saw. I painted a clutch cover and a starter assy. and it took three days to dry and they didn't come close to matching. I didn't use the International red though, just some red enamel I had. I guess I can go back and paint the rest of the saw...
I've been trying to find a way to put a big external air filter on my super 1050. I use it for milling and milling makes so much super fine dust I can't keep it out of the carb box. I was thinking about something like an XL98 concrete saw has. If I can find (or make) a 90* intake manifold, and turned my carb so it was sticking straight up, instead of back, would I have any trouble with it running, or tuning it to run? I would be runnig a remote throttle off a weed eater so the throttle cable wouldn't be a problem. With the carb sticking up I can easily fab an air tight box for it, Joe.
I've been trying to find a way to put a big external air filter on my super 1050. I use it for milling and milling makes so much super fine dust I can't keep it out of the carb box. I was thinking about something like an XL98 concrete saw has. If I can find (or make) a 90* intake manifold, and turned my carb so it was sticking straight up, instead of back, would I have any trouble with it running, or tuning it to run? I would be runnig a remote throttle off a weed eater so the throttle cable wouldn't be a problem. With the carb sticking up I can easily fab an air tight box for it, Joe.
You'll also have to incorporate an impulse passage in your custom manifold. If going to that trouble, you could make a 'straight up' intake manifold that replaces the current 90deg piece (rather than making a manifold to bolt to the existing manifold).
What'd be easier would be to tap the two holes on the choke end of the carb and attach a 90deg air filter manifold to the back of it. Many HL's and HC's (on chainsaws and other equipment) have those two holes tapped for air filter bracket mounting screws...
Thanks a p jr, that's the same thing Aaron said, and what I was thinking. I figured a saw will run in any position. I went down and checked the NOS parts I have for the rebuild on my other 1050. I think I've got it all figured out, if I switch the HL on the running saw for an SDC, I'll have the room to work with. I'll post pics of my Frankenfilter when I get it done, Joe.
The Homelite XL12 that I put together has a cylinder that has a three bolt muffler and a larger exhaust port than the XL12 has. I'm pretty sure it's a Super XL cylinder. I was wondering if the XL12 ever came out with that cylinder or are they all two hole mufflers and smaller exhaust ports. I know the reed valves are different also.
Most XL-12's are the earlier style that you describe. Two screw muffler (or stack) and single 'flat' reed. I have an IPL for the late XL-12 "With Pyramid Reed System" and SXL-AO. It shows the same three screw muffler body (this one has the welded on heat shield) for both saws. Lists different cylinders and pistons, as the two saws have different bores. That IPL shows the same intake parts for both, and lists both the Walbro SDC62 and Tillotson HS179 carburetors for both saws (meaning each model could have had either). Crankshafts, bearings drivecases, fuel tanks, and oil tanks are different between the two models.
PM me your email address and I'll send you that IPL.
Thanks for your reply. So I guess that my saw may not be a mixture of SXL and XL12 parts but could just be an XL12. Chances of that being the case are probably rare since I had a big pile of Homelite parts and just picked out some that fit it. I didn't run any serial numbers or anything like that. If fact it has two serial number plates on it, one on the back of the saw and the other on the side of the air box. I painted over both of them since they mean very little at this point.
That series was made for so long that it's sometimes impossible to know exactly what you have. IPL on the way.![]()