Bought a xl 100 circular saw in what looks to be good condition. Gives indication that it needs seals replaced. Seal nos from ipl are 58688A and 56256. Anyone got info regarding AM seals (SKF, National, dictomatic, etc). Thanks, jerry
I covet it already! Those things look AWESOME.Bought a xl 100 circular saw in what looks to be good condition. Gives indication that it needs seals replaced. Seal nos from ipl are 58688A and 56256. Anyone got info regarding AM seals (SKF, National, dictomatic, etc). Thanks, jerry
An HS-135-A from an XL98 chop saw. Is there supposed to be a welch plug in the opening at the upper right? It has a channel going in the direction of whatever is under the top welch plug which covers what presumably is the 'L' jet needle seat. Can''t get this thing to run right to save my ass. This is the third time around for it and I'm gettin' tired of pulling it over. Thing is a beast and has some type of slight timing advance that bites you every pull to boot. Been quite the challenge all the way around. TIA for any enlightenment as usual.
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Depending on the model homelite i can get you USA ade drive belts !!Is there already a Homelite thread? My dad has a little red and white one that maybe was straight gassed when borrowed...I don't think it's completely froze up but I haven't inspected.
Any fans? Can we get another brand specific thread moving???
....mind you, they would be covered regardless, with the extra large gasket.
Nice machine Poge. I never see that era of Homelites in this part of BC. Thick forests gobbled up many a saw back in the day, I guess. Not many survivors.Thanks for the input, Cory. And an excellent point about the gasket covering that recess anyway. Never even dawned on me. Duh.
Got this guy running today. A real nice specimen with only a couple dings here and there. Got it awhile back from an area Husky shop who farm out some of their weirder stuff to me. Came with an SXL 925 and Super 2 some of you may recall. I made fairly quick work of the 925. The Super 2 didn't have a good thread left anywhere on it and was basically a basket case. And this rascal was just an intimidating beast sitting there staring at me with "I dare ya" written all over it. LOL My luck isn't usually very good getting into older saws for customers so I try to do em when I have a little more spare time than usual..., which isn't much to begin with.
I pulled covers and looked it over and all seemed in order as far as I could tell considering I've never looked one of these over before. Has been very well maintained with good fuel line and clean filters. Had a bit of relatively clean mix still in the tank that smelled pretty oil rich..., as in what the sticker said. Spark was monster and I had a good feeling. Primed it and it popped. Once I figured out the choke position and the trigger lock I was able to keep it running on a prime until it took right off on its own. Damn! First time I've been this lucky with a saw this old without doin' a thing to it. Was a pretty cool feeling. Now I want to keep it. LOL
Actually, it's one of those sentimental saws that belonged to the customer's dad. He just wanted to hear it run again..., and he probably did from the next county over. (Could probably see the smoke, too!)
Super Mini was running a homemade retrofit check for the Walbro 86-523 check assembly.
Works like a charm. It runs like a new carb now with a little redneckery.
Reused everything, just because.
Passed and checked like a rock.
Good work around job right there!
What material thickness did you end up using?, as I’ve used the bulk nitrile oiler diaphragm material with good luck. Thinking it is 0.016”.
Was just watching a Leon’s Homelite vid on repairing little Super 2 oilers, and Leon threw the failed oiler plunger diaphragm #A-12356-B into the trash can... daym it!, as those can be rebuilt like the Poulan S25 ones.
.I would be curious to see what the XL-98 does if you block off that port. I never have on any of mine with those HS's. It is a pretty significant source of air downstream in that carb. I wish I knew the exact function/operation of that idle/transition circuit and that open port.
If you'd have been following previously you'd at least know it's not for lack of compression. LOL And since timing is essentially 'fixed' and it has spark you could weld with, that pretty much leaves the fuel system. Reed block looks fine. New fuel lines and filter. The saw did pass a pressure/vac test with flying colors so I'm assuming the block itself is crack free. Reeds are all there and appear seated as they should be.When trying to help a guy "not getting it to run right" is not much to go on.
If you'd have been following previously
I'd mess around with it if it were mine, but I need to get it back to the owner asap. He says it was running great before it started leaking fuel and then getting put on the shelf for a year. I've had it quite a while already. Fortunately, he's a very patient guy..., and knows nobody else will work on it. LOL
As for the gasket blocking that port, I gather you were referring to the Husky application? It's wide open on the XL98 and prone to any/all dirt circulating in the air box.
I did finally get the flywheel to pop off after soaking with penetrating juice for a few days. Was hoping to find some advance from a sheared key but it was intact. I'm going to retard it a tad to see if that will aid in reducing the bite back when pulling it over and maybe even have a positive effect on the running issue itself. 'Course that would sorta lean toward a misbehaving coil and a whole new bag o' snakes.
If you'd have been following previously you'd at least know it's not for lack of compression. LOL And since timing is essentially 'fixed' and it has spark you could weld with, that pretty much leaves the fuel system. Reed block looks fine. New fuel lines and filter. The saw did pass a pressure/vac test with flying colors so I'm assuming the block itself is crack free. Reeds are all there and appear seated as they should be.
That gets us to the fixed high jet HS carb with a governor and a mystery hole along with an ignition that bites hard when you pull it over.
I suppose I could try a different carb and coil..., if I had em. Maybe even swap the flywheel..., if I had a spare. But since I don't on all counts, I'm gonna retard the timing a hair and put the carb back on (with its new OEM Tilly kit) and see if I can start it without literally having to stand on it to pull it over. There ain't no drop startin' this pup.
It's a chop saw..., just a bare bones XL925 with electrinic ignition, no oil pump, and a non-adjustable 'H' HS carb. The tank divider is also removed for greater fuel capacity. Hope to put it together today with the flywheel turned back a hair to see if that makes it easier to start.I've never seen an XL-98 but from IPL's I gather it has the 3-piece CDI. Generator under flywheel, pickup and coil?
I've admittedly had this thing for quite a while now, but not that long. LOL A quick search turns up most of the discussion. Will report back with anything new of interest.There are 639 pages to "follow previously" give me a break!