Someone will have a bunch of paper mulberry, but it's maybe 30 min. from me. Is it worth hauling with a pickup? Does this spark a lot? I've heard mulberry sparks when burning. Thanks
I don't really know what paper mulberry is, but regular old Maryland mulberry is one of my favorites when properly seasoned. Yes it sparks, but it also burns with a blue flame. Nice to sit and look at if you've got a glass door on your stove.
All the mulberry I ever burned has been pretty good and splits easy. I burn inside a stove so don't pay much attention to spitting and sparking though, so can't say how it does.
Thanks for all the replies. I picked up a load this evening. It is paper mulberry after seeing the leaves and back myself. I haven't been able to find much info on it, other than here. Hopefully it ends up being a good source of heat!