how is ash?

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Really, because of the EAB, I get tons of ash for firewood. about 75% of the wood I've burned in the last 3 years has been ash.

Same here. I got a huge firewood score at a local golf course a couple weekends ago. All dead standing EAB ash. Good stuff. Been selling it and customers are burning and loving it.
well the wife was busting at me about going after the tree, but i went anyway lol. i got a full pickup load out of it anyway. got a chance to run the 262 finally. it did pretty good no real problems seemed to bog a bit more than i thought it would, the 455 i think actually bogged considerably less than the 262 did.

i musta lifted too much or something looks like theres a golf ball under my skin in my thigh a few inches above my knee. it dosent hurt too much but i can definatly feel it.

worked out pretty good after a hour or more the owner came out to say hi and he said he was gonna have some cherry for me too if i wanted it! SCORE so i might be doing that next weekend too. theres still more ash there also although one part had a cable sticking out of the middle of the tree. that kinda scares me i think ill start at the other end lol.

swamp i shoulda called you i pretty much wrote the post and said screw it and left. i was thinking of your 7900 with the 28 on it that would been perfect for that tree.

sorry no pics the wife was man as we were gonna go out and i delayed it so i was bustin ass. but i thought of you guys though lol. just imagine a 2500 ram full of ash blocks :)
Your asking a bunch of obsessive compulsive firewood gatherers with CAD if a good load of Ash is worth going after ?

Yes, definitely.

obsessive compulsive firewood gatherers what the heII you talking about.
why just today I was walking back from the store picking up all the sticks and branches that fell from the wind and freezing cold, still heating the house with the 8" ash branch.:blob5:
obsessive compulsive firewood gatherers what the heII you talking about.
why just today I was walking back from the store picking up all the sticks and branches that fell from the wind and freezing cold, still heating the house with the 8" ash branch.:blob5:

Getting past the denial is the first step to be cured.

Of course if there is nothing wrong with us, there is no reason to be cured.
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Husky i hear ya wife looks at me funny when I started pointing out dead trees by type and how well it will burn when we are in the truck driving somewhere.
She actually now points some out to me.
Getting past the denial..........?????


I don't know what your talking about.

I need to pick them sticks up if I don't they could pop a tire, someone could trip over them..

Its my civic duty to get all the wood I can and keep it in good order, then when possible dispose of it properly...
Yep ! can't forget those civic duties. Anything less would be unpatriotic, carry on then.

I'm not sure which of us is more hopeless. Anyone that gathers more than their needs or those that see nothing wrong with it.

Wait ! it is the same set of people. Which means, everyone that doesn't do this has the problem.

I feel much better now, knowing the problem isn't mine to deal with.

Couple of thoughts on the 262XP.

First you need to get some time on that saw so you can feel your way in the cut. That will help more than anything. 262XP is a great saw but you still can't push on it like a 70cc saw. Needs its chain speed. You were probably having fewer issues by the end of the tank, right? You've got so much time on the Rancher you know how it feels in the cut well.

Second, do you still have the 20 inch bar on the 262? May want to take it down to 16 or 18 if you plan on blocking with the saw. A continuously buried 20 inch bar is a lot to ask that saw to pull. As you found out it will do it, but 18 probably would have worked better.

Or next time just call, and we'll get out some heavy artillery.

Take Care
yeah the 20 was on still. i figure id rather have the 2 saws set up to run even if it wasnt optimal. i still need to pick up another 18 and ill run the rancher and the 262 with 18's and the same chain setup.

the dealer told me it had 152 compression do you rhink i should rering it? i have one of those hones you put in a drill. i used to hone my bike that way back in the day. it always worked great.
No, just run it like you stole it.

A little TLC on the cylinder and a new ring won't hurt, but my bet is on more throttle time and a bit shorter bar. If you still have the chain I gave you mounted, remember that was sharpened for the old 268XP and may be a tad on the aggressive side for the 262XP as well.

Keep me posted

Take Care
Ash green or ash dry,
a king can warm his slippers by.

... there is no reason to be cured.

That's right, KsWoodsMan. Ash's low sap and mousture content means it requires little seasoning. (woodbooga's out of context quote for the day :) )

They're a great straight grower, too. Nice and straight - like a pole. Fun to buck to length. Yup, nothing like a bucking ash pole. :cheers:
That's right, KsWoodsMan. Ash's low sap and moisture content means it requires little seasoning. (woodbooga's out of context quote for the day :) )

They're a great straight grower, too. Nice and straight - like a pole. Fun to buck to length. Yup, nothing like a bucking ash pole. :cheers:
There is one thing that WoodBooga and I definitely have in common. Our mind's are both like race horses. They run better on a dirt track. :spam:
That's right, KsWoodsMan. Ash's low sap and mousture content means it requires little seasoning. (woodbooga's out of context quote for the day :) )

They're a great straight grower, too. Nice and straight - like a pole. Fun to buck to length. Yup, nothing like a bucking ash pole. :cheers:

Your killing me here :hmm3grin2orange:
Doing my best to generate some non-hackneyed tree-related puns. "I'm stumped" and "going out on a limb by branching out into other pursuits" are below the AS readership.

Tis elm-entary, KsWoodsMan. Yr. a sonofabeech, but yr. oak-kay in my book. :)
I love building furniture and there ain't nothin' I enjoy better than workin' on a couple of good pieces of ash. :spam:

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