And last year the price of fuel! Dump fees and now the EPA.
Definately have to spend a lot, no question about it. Even if you buy used. By the time you have trucks, trailers, dump boxes, chip boxes, chippers, bucket trucks, stump grinders - if you do that, saws, rope and rigging gear.. and that is only the beginning.. Then comes insurance, taxes, employees, accountant fees, buildings, on and on..
I dumped well over $100K a quite a few years ago in the first 12 months, then another $60K in the next year or so.. and think it has been at least $30K every year since. (that is just equipment in the field) This year think it was around $50 or 60K.. and I have already purchased another $30K which I will pick up in January of 2010. So the pain never really stops.
I know this is a major point of contention for some fellas here, so I will go ahead and just preface with "this is just my opinion"...
Direct selling. (aka door knocking) For any call you receive & get invited to bid on, force yourself to not go home until you make contact with 10 or so homeowners that live in the area that look like they could use some pruning, even if its just a hedge.
Sitting home waiting for your phone to ring can really bring down your moral. At least if you're out talking to people you are not focused on not having work.
Again, it's just my opinion that I know others are completely opposed to. But I also know I am sitting on a 3 week back log of 40 hour weeks & have only been running this outfit for a year.
Merry Christmas & good luck through the rough patch.
this here is the best post i read on this thread! he is right! study shows that direct marketing is the most effective way of getting jobs. one day a week i have my guys hand out flyers and i get a lot of work that way. you have to get people thinking. not everyone pays attention to their trees, they have more important things to do. hand them a tree service flyer and watch their necks break as they look up at all their trees. point the limbs out that are dead, warn them of potential hazards. if you really want to work you will, the work is there you just have to go get it because its not going to come to you. why should they call you over the next guy? DON'T GIVE THEM THE CHANCE TO CALL THE NEXT GUY!!!
this here is the best post i read on this thread!
Don't believe the hype in this thread about the mega-buck expenditures these guys supposedly make as far as it relates to the actual income they net after all of their bills are paid. Sure, you can go out and take on a bunch of debt and try to compete with the big guys in your city, sure. .
Well how about keeping it small, two man crew and just take on enough to keep ya busy? Dont try to compete with the big guys just do quality work at a reasonable price. Seems like that could be successful?????? I'm new so I may not have a clue, just seems like a good approach
not sure what you mean but MARKETING is ADVERTISING. I spend about 50k a year in just marketing/advertising and its the single most important beginning step in running any business, not just tree care. SELL SELL SELL. how do you get sales? you put your company in their face. then you need the staff to handle the calls.
Good advise. And if I had known what I know now when I started, I may have been able to get up to speed faster. I didn't spend $50K in marketing.. the first year I don't think I spent more than maybe $5K, and the 2nd year no better.
Even now I don't spend $50K -- but you do need to spend on marketing to get new customers. I have a lot of post-cards going out, and a lot of flyers. Some of it is a bit duplicated however, as some is focused on lawn work and some on tree work. Most of the lawn marketing now has some tree side added in, as there are a lot more potential long term lawn customers. (and we try to grab them for any tree work)
Maybe I should spend more.. I just had a set of flyers go to print. The big cost here though is the postage.
(snip) I also seem to handle the winter slow down better If I come up with a project to do around the house to focus on. Oh yeah save up enough cash to make it through the winter if you can that helps a lot .
In my business life, I most often did not buy what I couldn't pay for, outright, and I amassed a net worth that others, with their huge debt load, can only dream of. If I had bucket trucks, chippers, stump grinders and spray rigs sitting in my yard...........
That's great, but you have to realize that will not work for most people in this business. Don't get folks to dreaming they can get anywhere in this business without any equipment. It worked for you but I would call that an isolated case. Real isolated. There is one guy on here now that is already getting that "what if you just get out there with nothing and do good work deal going." Well, maybe, but usually that works out to be a long drawn out fiasco. I am not saying debt is a good thing from every possible angle and I have seen slow times before but without my bucket trucks, chippers, stump grinders, and spray rig it would have been a real sad last 23 years.
In my business life, I most often did not buy what I couldn't pay for, outright, and I amassed a net worth that others, with their huge debt load, can only dream of. If I had bucket trucks, chippers, stump grinders and spray rigs sitting in my yard...........
That's great, but you have to realize that will not work for most people in this business. Don't get folks to dreaming they can get anywhere in this business without any equipment. It worked for you but I would call that an isolated case. Real isolated. There is one guy on here now that is already getting that "what if you just get out there with nothing and do good work deal going." Well, maybe, but usually that works out to be a long drawn out fiasco. I am not saying debt is a good thing from every possible angle and I have seen slow times before but without my bucket trucks, chippers, stump grinders, and spray rig it would have been a real sad last 23 years.
Well put
Is the spray rig an insect a cider?
That's great, but you have to realize that will not work for most people in this business. Don't get folks to dreaming they can get anywhere in this business without any equipment. It worked for you but I would call that an isolated case. Real isolated. There is one guy on here now that is already getting that "what if you just get out there with nothing and do good work deal going." Well, maybe, but usually that works out to be a long drawn out fiasco. I am not saying debt is a good thing from every possible angle and I have seen slow times before but without my bucket trucks, chippers, stump grinders, and spray rig it would have been a real sad last 23 years.
Well that is sad. You may consider getting some counseling.