I've let the wood burn down to coals in my wood burning furnace, (it's in my basement) then put meat in a basket and held it over the coals to cook it. It works just fine and taste great!
I like cooking on my stove, but I have to admit that most of my wood cooking now days is limited to hotdogs and marshmellows over the fire pit. I had a large wire framed rack I used over my pig pit. It was good for hamburgers and the occassional steak, set on a pot of soup, maybe heat up some chili. I tore down the pig pit and built a new firepit last week. My wire rack will still work, but its a little big for the firepit. Thinking about building something like this, http://www.woodlanddirect.com/Outdoor/Fire-Pit-Grills/Hitzer-Barbeque-Grill-Fire-Pit I have a brochure of one I got at a farm show I like better, I will have to hunt it up. Anyways, I have the castiron pots and pans and even a old cast dutch oven for making cornbread if I need it for the wood stove. I have a old home made castiron pan my great uncle made back when he worked at the foundry in Chattanooga Tn. Had to been at least 60 years ago. Its about 20in dia and has a handle on both sides. Cook up a whole slab of bacon and a dozen eggs at one time in that old pan.
I have been known to do a little cooking on our free standing stove. Hotdogs on the open flame is a excellent cold weather sport after being out in the cold all day.