ArboristSite Operative
Where I'm at now, takes about 400 month in electric to heat during the somewhat cold months. It was 500 once. Electric heat sucks! Plus there is nothing like heating with wood you cut, split, and lit. Make you feel all warm and tingly inside. lol
I don't think so. In most areas of the US, Electric heat is NOW cheaper than Oil or Gas. Of course nothing is cheaper than Wood

I am trying to decide which Supplement Heat source I want now that I heat with wood. Why supplement. Well, if I take a few days up North, need to keep the house from freezing. Also Hot Water.
I looked into converting my Oil Fired baseboard Hot Water over to Electrically Heated Hot Water for the baseboards. The Solar Industry says DON'T They suggest Gas followed by Oil. Why? They want you to be able to SELL Electric back to the utility co.