How much time do you spend splitting wood each session before taking a break?

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Feb 12, 2020
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Louisville, Colorado
I'm curious how long people are spending when they split wood? And how much wood do you split each session?

I typically split for about 2hrs and then give myself a rest for an hour before resuming or coming back to it the next day. Basically 2 hr sessions.
My goal is roughly 1-2 cords

What do you do?
Same here. When I was young, there were no breaks. I'm pushing 50 now, and my body won't do that any more. In the summer, I'd say I stop every 5 to 10 minutes because it always seems to be over 90 degrees when I manage to find time to split wood. In cooler weather, I can go a lot longer. It also depends on exactly what I'm splitting. I used to split everything by hand, so splitting a big 30" round of locust or oak would require a short break afterwards. Now I split that stuff with a hydraulic splitter, so most of what I'm doing by hand only needs split one time, or maybe twice (quarters). In that case, in cool weather, I may go for a couple of hours because I'll split several rounds, then go move them out of the way, and set up several more, then go back to splitting. In that scenario, the breaks are built into the work cycle.
I'm curious how long people are spending when they split wood? And how much wood do you split each session?

I typically split for about 2hrs and then give myself a rest for an hour before resuming or coming back to it the next day. Basically 2 hr sessions.
My goal is roughly 1-2 cords

What do you do?
by hand or hydraulic splitter? hydro splitter I can go all day. I don't like to, very boring, but can
It depends. If I'm cutting and splitting out of a deck with a hydraulic splitter, a few hours. If I'm cutting a pickup load out on public lands, I'll split that by hand, so it's probably less time each load. But that's only about a half cord each trip. Driving home gives me a break.
I would imagine you're talking about splitting by hand so to answer that question first a few hours tops then I'm wiped out.

Most of my splitting these days is done with the mini and splitter and I can go all day on it. Boring as all get out but it's incredibly effective.
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I would imagine you're talking about splitting by hand so to answer that question first a few hours tops then I'm wiped out.

Most of my splitting these days is done with the mini and splitter and I can go all day on it. Boring as all get out but it's incredibly effective.
View attachment 1206696

Mikey likes it!!!!

Add a 4 way to that and I could watch it work all day and not get bored :)
As a young man,(teens until 35 or so),it was by hand,w/ 8lb. maul,and I could go " all day", so to speak. That dwindled,over time.8 yrs. ago,I purchased a 22T Huskee splitter. What a game changer! The "better half" and I now split through one tank of gas,then stack it together as well. We have a water/ Gatorade break ( 15 minutes to 1/2hr. or so),before stacking. As was posted earlier.....working past the point of being fatigued is a recipe for strained muscles and such. We go steady,w/o bullin' and jammin'. Wow.....wish I would have learned THAT Life Lesson earlier! LOL!
As a young man,(teens until 35 or so),it was by hand,w/ 8lb. maul,and I could go " all day", so to speak. That dwindled,over time.8 yrs. ago,I purchased a 22T Huskee splitter. What a game changer! The "better half" and I now split through one tank of gas,then stack it together as well. We have a water/ Gatorade break ( 15 minutes to 1/2hr. or so),before stacking. As was posted earlier.....working past the point of being fatigued is a recipe for strained muscles and such. We go steady,w/o bullin' and jammin'. Wow.....wish I would have learned THAT Life Lesson earlier! LOL!
Same here, only my better half is smarter than me so she stay's in the house :) I ran a maul and an ax for way too long. One night In my mid 40's I had been out splitting wood that we needed that night. My shoulder hurt something fierce when I got done. I decided that it was likely my rotator cuff. Thankfully it was late in the season and I was able to get through the rest of the winter using just my X27 which didn't bother me near as bad. It took 6 months for my shoulder to completely stop hurting so I picked up a used 27T MTD on craigslist for under $500. I should have done it 10 years sooner but I was stubborn and I was "tough".

Now, if I'm splitting by hand, its' because the logs are smaller (6" to 14") meaning there's a lot less splitting to do than normal, and I just use an X27. For one or two bigger or more stubborn pieces, I may grab the maul, but if I end up swinging it more than half a dozen times, its time for the splitter or its time to make some noodles.
Ha! LOL! Yessir.....I was "tough" once,as well. Now......I prefer the old adage "Work smarter,not harder!" Agreed.....X27...great tool for the job. Same deal with me......I hand split a 1/3 cord or so,every year,to remind myself of how far we have evolved with the firewood processing task!
Ha! LOL! Yessir.....I was "tough" once,as well. Now......I prefer the old adage "Work smarter,not harder!" Agreed.....X27...great tool for the job. Same deal with me......I hand split a 1/3 cord or so,every year,to remind myself of how far we have evolved with the firewood processing task!
Unfortunately, I still don't split by hand as a reminder. My reason is a mix of laziness and stubbornness. To lazy to move the splitter to the wood, and too stubborn to admit that I'm too old to be swinging an ax that much.
I still split by hand - but at 70+ I split about an hour, then sit on one of the remaining rounds and discuss politics and world issues with my pup for a while before hauling a load and then getting back to it. I'm not in a hurry, I'm retired, and can take as long as necessary to get through 12 cord per season.20210206_143819.jpg
Splitting by hand with an 8lb maul I can split about an hour or so in the winter when it's cooler. Depends on the wood and how it's splitting. I don't have a hydraulic splitter so all by hand. I'm 50 years old. Maybe closer to 2 hours if the splitting is easy.
i'm 48 now and we dont have any easy splitting wood left [ash] . i have to start watching the heat when i cut and split. i cant do it long when its 90+ . i've mainly tried to get it all split when its 45 and under. i go to a chiropractor every 3 weeks sometimes every 2, when i know i'm going to be hard on my body. when its cool and not humid, i can go 2 to3 hours with the hydrolic splitter. i cant lift the monster logs after i had that bad first round of covid. my heart hurt for close to a year, 15-20 minute sessions was all i could do. i couldnt safely run a saw for 3-6 months.
I basically take a break when the splitter needs fuel which is about 2hrs if running continuously. Also depends if I am picking the rounds up to split or are they being delivered by the skid loader.
It seems to me the only ones splitting wood are the older worn outs, I onlynsolit for a friend so no presure I just do what I want to help him out, I'm 70 he is nearly 90. Any youngsters splitting logs out there, why are they all hiding 😇
I'm 50 and it all depends on how I'm feeling. I've got issues with my shoulder, elbow, hands, lower back, and knees. Usually go until I run out of space around the splitting log (don't like to split directly on the ground) which is around an hour or two if splitting by hand. I split and then stack/move.

I have a hydraulic log splitter but only had enough logs to justify getting it out a couple times so far.

I take plenty of water breaks though.

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