How to get wounded (or worse)

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Obviously he knows what he's doing..... just look at that chain. :D

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Don't try to tell him the piss he don't know how to F'n sharpen a chain.

He cusses about like he saws. :laugh:
at least he had his chaps on that time

probably getting cold out

not barefoot either

learning? or just winter?
I've got a "bit" over five years under my belt. I tend to screw up about every trip, every tree is different and seems to suprise you in some way.
Sometimes I have just flat screwed up, cut below my face with the backcut and had to wedge the piss out of a Hedge tree. Made to small of a face on a 30" leaning Oak. Had a couple of hollow trees fall just making the face.
Hey it happenes, and happens to all of us!!
The problem comes when you aren't willing to learn form this.
I see what happend and I ask "why did this do this and how do I prevent it?" And I learn.
When you "think" you know it all, and "know" you are smarter than everyone else. Well, you have already killed yourself, you just don't know it yet.

That is probably the best advice I've seen here. Well said.:cheers:
well fellas. this set of video's only solidifies my opinion that NO homeowner should own a saw. i only watched the first vid, but to see him floundering around the hill while trying to cut the tree only to watch him lose it over backwards....

this ******* should just dive under the next tree he cuts. only problem with that is he has no clue as to where he is sending them.

be very careful out there homeowners. this is what you all cut like through the eyes of a pro.

A homeower with this size of a brain or a homeowner in general......please explain???:confused:

Hey Dirty, check ur private messages, sorry to be off thread, I got some interesting stuff my mechanic dad told me!
A homeower with this size of a brain or a homeowner in general......please explain???:confused:

someone who has never had the formal training and or experience that it takes to PROPERLY run a chainsaw.

you guys that are "homeowners" on this site are actually pretty damn lucky to have this site at your disposal. the wealth of knowledge this site offers is the next best thing to having an "old timer" right next to you.

ive seen too many ugly cuts and improper saw use, technique wise. look at this putz moving the saw back and forth in the cut like its a hand saw. thats some of the stuff i am talking about.

ive been to jobs were the homeowner started it only to be laid up because they got too far over their head. or what about the other day when i saw another homeowner almost cut his leg off swinging his saw around after finally getting it free from a pinch.

more or less what i am saying is that almost no one other than a pro should run a saw. after that? a retired pro.

listen. i work with guys now that still need a ton of help with their cuts. and these guys get paid to do it. if i get scared watching them cut how do you think i feel seeing someone who really doesnt have a clue.

just be careful. this work is dangerous enough as it is and thats with experience, nevermind when a weekend warrior going out with the boys to cut some wood and drink a few beers. (a terrible combination on any level.)

stay safe.
i dissagree with most of your statement. however i do agree "homeowners" think they know what their doing when thy dont and they see the expert village bs and think they can take down that 3' wide oak in the back with the depot saw! its like when this guy started trying to teach me how to saw. he said i need to do a huge notch and sloped back cut? why hire somone only to tell them how to do the job.
but many people are safe and cut some small trees in their yard. no big deal
ita america you act like a saws a nuke bomb? we can own guns wich are alot more dangerous. If somones being dum and dont wana lern their fault if they die. ya harsh but more peopel die from cigerets then saws.
a gun and a saw and a nuke by itself wont hurt anyone. put some knucklehead behind the controls and then they become dangerous.

matt what are you disagreeing about? training? people dont need training to run a saw? or are you saying tree work isnt dangerous? or that a homeowner that got too far out in front of himself is a good thing? or are you saying booze and saw are a good combo?

what are you disagreeing with me about?
a gun and a saw and a nuke by itself wont hurt anyone. put some knucklehead behind the controls and then they become dangerous.

matt what are you disagreeing about? training? people dont need training to run a saw? or are you saying tree work isnt dangerous? or that a homeowner that got too far out in front of himself is a good thing? or are you saying booze and saw are a good combo?

what are you disagreeing with me about?

Im disagreeing about you saying that homeowners shouldnt own saws.
And beond that you correct and i agree with. But i am just stongly against you saying "homeowners shouldnt be able to have saws"
Their should be local tree seminars or soemthing cause if somones guna do something why not do it safe.
So are we going to start issuing chainsaw license? Quit trying to police every idiot. It's a worthless endeavor. I have to admit, the videos are entertaining.
Im disagreeing about you saying that homeowners shouldnt own saws.
And beond that you correct and i agree with. But i am just stongly against you saying "homeowners shouldnt be able to have saws"
Their should be local tree seminars or soemthing cause if somones guna do something why not do it safe.

just saying its dangerous enough even when you know what your doing. thats all man.

So are we going to start issuing chainsaw license? Quit trying to police every idiot. It's a worthless endeavor. I have to admit, the videos are entertaining.

i have a hard enough time with myself, i dont want the job policing the others.

hopefully you are learning what not to do. lol
So are we going to start issuing chainsaw license? Quit trying to police every idiot. It's a worthless endeavor. I have to admit, the videos are entertaining.

AHAHHA your guna make me wake everyone up laughing!!!! ahahaha
That funny
he was just making an observation and a valid one
I think? what Mat is saying, is that in your opinion, no home owner should own a saw, preiod. I think what you are saying is a home owner "willing" to #### and learn is capable.

It's a razors edge. I have tried to teach others as best I can. But when they "free climb" a tree, with an electric chainsaw (I really wish I was joking) and prune a tree that I have offerd to do for free to help them out, well, Darwinism has to work sometime.
You "can't fix stupid" no matter how hard you try.