splitter rebuild,(10 year old hf 30t) as my beam is shot-making new beam from 2, 4"x6"x6'- 1/4 wall tubes. I was thinking of capping the ends which could give me an additional 8-10gallons of hydro. available to the system, original tank is below beam (5gal) suction is about level with pump at bottom of tank but the return is only 2" down from top of tank, which I believe is leading to air becoming entrained in the hydro. ( I highly doubt that a turned down nipple was installed internally on the return port.) The thought was that using the beams as tanks would leave the lower tank completely full. Venting and fill ports would be located on beams. Possible advantages are greater capacity of fluid, much larger cooling area. ( heat build up on this unit has been a problem) I am, at present re-plumbing to eliminate right angle turns where possible by using 45 deg fittings. Which are also slightly larger internally than the oem 90's.
Sound feasible?
Sound feasible?