Cool unit - but watch those sparks around the battery - I've seen 'em explode from that.
:agree2: I always heard that but never gave it much care. Last fall the FIL hooked a battery charger up to his truck. He started to spark it to make sure it was working.... BOOM it blew up, taking out part or the grill and headlight also. He got lucky, just a little acid he washed off. I have a whole new respect for batteries now.
Neat unit. Probably not a good idea to unhook the clips while it's charging. That blows the diode or something in a car alternator.
Will be honest! I didn't know this!!
This is one good thing about posting, information is KING!
Thanks guys! I don't need or want a acid bath! PLUS that tractor is the wifes and I second lil'baby!!