Slipped off roof decking and fell down. Ended up breaking my back in 2 places. I finished the roof and put in a people and garage door before going to the hospital about 2 weeks later. I didn't figure it was the serious. Hurt like an SOB for sure, I put down a 500 count jar of Tylenol in 2 weeks.
The doc put me on orders of not lifting over 5lbs. I asked... so those 70lb roof bundles... not a good idea?
This spring I almost died in the hospital. Went in to the ER because it hurt to inhale. Ended up having 3 broken ribs from trying to breathe, my right lung was fully collapsed and the left about 50%. The Doc said it made no sense that I was pretty much alive, never mind had been working in the woods the day before.
That whole deal turned into a big mess. They sucked 2 liters of infection out of the lungs and I had chest tubes on a bubbler thingee. About lost my kidneys and liver too, they never did figure if it was from the meds or from the lung infection spreading. I'm still not 100% 6 months later.
I told the Doc I wasn't dying anytime soon, I had firewood to still deliver!
Tell you what though, went that SOB ripped out my chest tube like they were the pull cord of a Briggs powered lawn mower I let some words rip that made the old crusty nurse blush even. Not sure how I didn't break the guardrail off the bed! Just imagine a tube that looks like a drain tile (with all those holes in it) getting ripped out from between your rips after the flesh has grown into it.
They gave me a button to push to inject Daludid, I pushed that SOB about 150 times (it's on a timer but still)