Red Devil
New Member
Anyone have the best way to do this? Manual doesn't say much. Where is the drain plug or do I just remove the filter and let it drain? Any help would be appreciated.
they suggest changing it after 100 hours
they suggest changing it after 100 hours
I have never changed the oil in mine,once a year on the filter. Keep the tank full and less room for air/moisture/condensation.Anyone have the best way to do this? Manual doesn't say much. Where is the drain plug or do I just remove the filter and let it drain? Any help would be appreciated.
Keep the tank full and less room for air/moisture/condensation.
Thats right! Good point J.W Younger!!
Retract all cylinders on the splitter and fill the tank to 90%.....leave 10% for volume expansion for heat.
DO NOT fill tank like above with cylinders EXTENDED!! Tank will over fill when piston rods enter the system (cylinder), and "explode"....
Lees air = less moisture = less condense water!![/QUOTE
There will be the same amount of fluid in the tank whether the cylinder is extended or retracted. It's a double acting cylinder. Good advice though on the90% 10% ratio
Actually there is a little more in the tank with the cylinder retracted because of the rod but that is not a huge amount....
I think you are "hustling", and just waiting for an opportunity to win a bet....Wow I am impressed you are way better at math then me.....