Played fireman today . On my way home driving past a neighbors house i saw a small brush fire on the side of his garage . Stopped got to it started stomping it out and grabbed a shovel that was on the side of the garage and found the around the back of the garage the whole area was ablaze . Called the fire dept and got a bucket and scooped water out of the stream . The neighbor who is in his 80s and is partially paralyzed from a prior stroke and was trying to put it out with a little garden hose . Got it mostly pushed back from the garage but it was going into the woods . It jumped the stream and was burning pretty well by the time the fire dept arrived . Ever see a rhododendron bush start burning it’s like a Christmas tree and he has the perimeter of the woods lined with wild rhododendron bushes.
So it seems he was burning some brush and it got away from him . The fire ban went into effect here on March 8th . The police gave him a written warning .
I’ve known him 10 years and his cognitive abilities is really slipping he didn’t think he needed to fire dept to respond