husky vs stihl

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Singler: welcome to the...... the....... well.... I don't know, welcome:cheers: You must check out Off the Topic, if you are a true "fan" of Sap his inffinate wisdom really shines there:deadhorse:
Hey sawinredneck.

As I search through the various threads, there I find Sap's posts. He's everywhere. He's like a giant collective illegal alien, in that, everywhere you go there he is. Standing on the virtual corner. Or more like the graffitti you see in public restrooms......there's Sap and his special brand of .........wisdom?
I'm becoming a Sap:yoyo: fan.

LarryTheCableGuy said:
Yes, architects do make errors, just like every other human. We also have to solve the problems caused by others out in the field.

Oh the things I've seen in the field this past week! But this is on little projects - $4.5million and up.

Cut a section through any part of socitey and you'll find twerps and good folks in about the same ratio every time. Twerps just seem to abound since they draw so much attention to themselves; and for them there is no such thing as 'bad' publicity.

Husky vs. Stihl, Kawneer vs. YKK. it really doesn't matter if done right.


Then again...maybe there ARE more twerps w/ Husky's:hmm3grin2orange:
SinglerM said:
I'm becoming a Sap:yoyo: fan.


Hey Mitch, join the club. We're all Sap fans over here, didn't ya know.....:confused:

Although Sap has gotten everyone on here temporarely insane, we'll return to regular chainsaw programming someday. I'll offer you boys a nice belgian beer when the guru retires. :cheers:
Where did our little buddy go to? He must be out using his WildThingie as a stump grinder.

Hey Thappy, didja go to Taylor's for a burger or what?

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LarryTheCableGuy said:
Sap, you IDIOT. You will argue with ANYTHING, won't you?

Lookie here:

Like I said, I am licensed by the State of California to do the structural calculations on any building other than a hospital.

Read your own link, then read it again to see if you can comprehend what you're reading.
To wit:


ARCHITECTS May design any building type except:
structural portion of a hospital

That means that you can draw (i.e. 'design') anything but the structural portion of a hospital.

It most definitely does not say that you are 'responsible' for the structural calculations. If you're really an architect then you know that the structural engineer is the one who is responsible for the structural calculations, not the architect.
Now, while you may cut and paste them from a manual onto the plans, you know well and good that they don't mean jack until they have an engineer's stamp on them.

And you obviously do not posses an engineer's stamp in your name. are not 'responsible' for the structural calculations.

And if you scroll down on the document you linked to, you'll see that virtually anyone ('unlicensed person') can draw plans for single family dwellings and such.

And look at the very bottom where it states under 'NOTE' that architects can only do structural chit if they are licensed by the state to practice as an engineer in addition to being an architect.

Do you have an engineer's stamp, larry? No, of course you don't. LOL!

Stick to doing standup larry.

(Sorry for the delay, I was out using my brand spanking new Husky brush cutter.)
Dear Mr. Ed,

You are apparently so full of horse chit that you MUST be a Sappalosa! You are so clueless...How do you manage to regulate your own heartbeat?

Read it again, I typed this real slow so that you can keep up.

The ONLY thing that is excluded is the structural portion of a HOSPITAL. They don't exclude the STRUCTURAL PORTION of any other type of building.

coveredinsap said:
...And look at the very bottom where it states under 'NOTE' that architects can only do structural chit if they are licensed by the state to practice as an engineer in addition to being an architect.

It doesn't say "in addition to" there little buddy.

Under what may be designed by an unlicensed person there is this EXCEPTION:
NOTE: Building officials may require plans, computations, and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the state to practice as such even if not required by state law.

They are saying that EVEN if the state law say that Mr. Sappalosa (unlicensed) can design a single family dwelling (or any of the other four building types listed), the LOCAL building official my still require plans, computations, and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect.

LarryTheCableGuy said:
Dear Mr. Ed,

You are apparently so full of horse chit that you MUST be a Sappalosa! You are so clueless...How do you manage to regulate your own heartbeat?

Read it again, I typed this real slow so that you can keep up.

The ONLY thing that is excluded is the structural portion of a HOSPITAL. They don't exclude the STRUCTURAL PORTION of any other type of building.

It doesn't say "in addition to" there little buddy.

Under what may be designed by an unlicensed person there is this EXCEPTION:
NOTE: Building officials may require plans, computations, and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the state to practice as such even if not required by state law.

They are saying that EVEN if the state law say that Mr. Sappalosa (unlicensed) can design a single family dwelling (or any of the other four building types listed), the LOCAL building official my still require plans, computations, and specifications to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect.


BWAHHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! Wrong. Big time.

Now I see the problem. Your comprehension of legalese is sorely lacking.

We'll get nowhere here.

Jesus H. Christ man, if you never ever believe any other thing that I've ever posted....
I would encourage you to contact an attorney and have him explain that language to you...before you find yourself facing a lawsuit in the unfortunate event of an 'incident' with one of your designs.

I may be a prick, but I'm not that big of a prick to let someone's arse hang out like that. Even someone I don't like.
Most, maybe all, of the 28 states our firm is licensed to practice (of which Cali is NOT one) the Arch may sign/seal any documents - including structural - that he executes or which are executed under his direct supervision.

It is not unusual at all for firms to do thier own MEP and Structural on smaller projects.

Don't care to find out about Cali. It's fun enough handling codes in the states we do. Much less the little variations at the local level.

I bet most Fire Marshalls would run Stihl's :blob2: case anyone was wondering...

coveredinsap said:
BWAHHAHAHAhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!! Wrong. Big time.

Now I see the problem. Your comprehension of legalese is sorely lacking.

We'll get nowhere here.

Jesus H. Christ man, if you never ever believe any other thing that I've ever posted....
I would encourage you to contact an attorney and have him explain that language to you...before you find yourself facing a lawsuit in the unfortunate event of an 'incident' with one of your designs.

I may be a prick, but I'm not that big of a prick to let someone's arse hang out like that. Even someone I don't like.


There are a couple of differences 'tween you and I. First, I have an education and advanced degree in this topic. Second, I hold a license in same. Third, I have over twenty years of experience in this.

So now what you got boy? Oh, a new brush cutter. :clap: Whoopee, so now you can clear vacant lots.

There is a city not too far south of you that I'm sure you have at least heard of. It's the City of Dublin. Here is a quote from their website, question #23:

"Structural calculations largely depend on the type of construction method being used. If the building design consists of wood frame construction and follows the conventional light-frame construction standards as regulated by the Uniform Building Code, Section 2320, then no calculations are required. However, if the structure has unusual design features and does not follow light-frame construction methods, then calculations prepared by a State of California licensed Engineer or Architect, will be required."

City of San Marcos:
Look at the second question/answer, "A California licensed architect or engineer shall prepare structural plans."

Nothin' like beatin' a sappalosa...
You can believe whatever you want ol' Rolphy. That doesn't change how the world REALLY runs.

coveredinsap said:
Stihl also makes a 'ranch' or 'farm' saw. You're the smart guy, you figure it out.


Remember, I'm a Husky dealer, not a Stihl dealer. But you never the less raise an interesting point. Stihl has a "farm saw" while Husky chose to market a "ranch saw". What do you in all of your esteemed wisdom think was different in the minds of the engineers who designed these saws?

I suppose that you would first have to tell all of us mortals what the differance is between a ranch and a farm. My first guess is that you would have more experience with farm animals, but you professed to have chosen the 455 for "ranch use". I suppose that what appeals to you about a ranch, is the good ole bunkhouse, filled with "burley" brokeback mountain cowboys.

Since you have all of the answers to lifes mysteries, you could help us out with all sorts of things. What is the differance between a ranch saw and a farm saw? What is the differance between a robbery and a burglery? Why do green olives come in jars and black olives come in cans?

Come on Sap, you seem to know EVERYTHING. Except maybe how to get along with the rest of the humans on the planet.

Has it dawned on your tortured mind yet that this thread alone has reached over 300 posts and that most of them are YOU arguing with everyone else? Do you really think that the 25 or 30 of us who disagree with you are all wrong, and that you are right? And it's pretty much the same with all of the other threads that you jump into and screw up. You say something stupid and then argue with everyone when they correct you.

It's obvious that you enjoy playing the role of the annoying pest, and we kind of enjoy smacking you around for it, so I suppose that this fun will continue for another week at least.

So try this: Think about how many people there are on this site, and that nearly every one of them thinks your a jerk. Go run into the bathroom and look in the mirror and say to yourself, "I wonder if maybe I have a problem".

What's your answer?
LarryTheCableGuy said:
Coming from someone that doesn't know the difference between concrete and cement...yes, I am.

As an architect, I make the directions, otherwise known as a leader. We have to make them simple enough for you to follow. As a carpenter, you follow the directions.

Yes, architects do make errors, just like every other human. We also have to solve the problems caused by others out in the field.

It's not uncommon to come across folks like you, those that will never rise above the level of following someone else's directions and therefore try to be know-it-alls.

God, I hate to support what Sap has to say, but I have to. Architects get very little respect on construction jobs, big to small that I have worked on, now, I am not claiming to be a carpenter or anything more than a good helper, I can build stairs but that taxes my limits. I recall the carpenters, foreman, general contractors etc. trying to figure out the dimensions that didn't add up, or wrong stuff I didn't understand, usually followed with "f------ architects-----, ---- *******" and worse. I guess the biggest thing they are infamous for is being really skimpy on dimensions, trying to add stuff up and figure it out in the pouring rain is stupid, make it easy. Here in B.C., architects draw pictures of pretty places, engineers are the men who make the life and death decisions. Sap actually does have a clue talking about construction, doesn't know it all, but has a good idea.
clearance said:
God, I hate to support what Sap has to say, but I have to. Architects get very little respect on construction jobs, big to small that I have worked on, now, I am not claiming to be a carpenter or anything more than a good helper, I can build stairs but that taxes my limits. I recall the carpenters, foreman, general contractors etc. trying to figure out the dimensions that didn't add up, or wrong stuff I didn't understand, usually followed with "f------ architects-----, ---- *******" and worse. I guess the biggest thing they are infamous for is being really skimpy on dimensions, trying to add stuff up and figure it out in the pouring rain is stupid, make it easy. Here in B.C., architects draw pictures of pretty places, engineers are the men who make the life and death decisions. Sap actually does have a clue talking about construction, doesn't know it all, but has a good idea.

Clearance its no biggie to stand up for what you believe in even in the case of Sap. I've read his posts for months now and he's no dummy, thats always been obvious to me. In fact he's into alittle bit of everything and thats great in my book. The problem with Sap as Spike points out is how he comes across to everyone, thats all. He's arguing about building now instead of saws. I can proudly say I have work sitting right on top of the White House today and also in the Washington Monument. I also got alot of work at the National Insitute of Health, the CIA and the Penagon. Unlike Sap though to me it was a job and thats all. Nothing to brag about, just another job. He calls it working for the man like its a joke. Thats why he gets pestered to death on here. As long as he continues to mouth off the way he does he's gonna keep on getting pestered to death. He could easliy say ok guys, I've decided to join in and be like everyone else, just talking saws. Will he, time will tell.....
Thall, you aim toooooo lllllooooowwww.

SAP for President

I hate to say it, but it would be an improvement :hmm3grin2orange:
Lakeside53 said:
Thall, you aim toooooo lllllooooowwww.

SAP for President

I hate to say it, but it would be an improvement :hmm3grin2orange:

Ma Frend for President, hmmmmmmmmm, now we aren't going quite that far Lake,lolololol
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