Husqvarna Chainsaws

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Well something's gotta be tried because the new one fits as bad as the old one! I can get the back half on pretty good but then those last few holes on the front lower part are about half a bolt diameter off and I know if I force it I will just manage to rip another one. :bang:

Thanks for the support guys...
It'll work fine if you are patient.

HMMMM, What does that mean...well I have been working on this thing SLOWLY since early last spring :biggrinbounce2:

or do you mean patient as in "mental patient" which is what I might be if I rip this one...
Where are all the Huskys pics.Don't know if I posted this one yet but its my old 44 Rancher I sold to my brother and will be getting back shortly and comes with three different top covers,four air filters,a used oil pump,new piston ring,new gasket kit and case.



Where are all the Huskys pics.Don't know if I posted this one yet but its my old 44 Rancher I sold to my brother and will be getting back shortly and comes with three different top covers,four air filters,a used oil pump,new piston ring,new gasket kit and case.




That thing is so clean it looks fake :cheers:
Here is one of those old, wore out, and out of date Huskys...


DSCN3719.jpg is a work in progress.;)
Where are all the Huskys pics.Don't know if I posted this one yet but its my old 44 Rancher I sold to my brother and will be getting back shortly and comes with three different top covers,four air filters,a used oil pump,new piston ring,new gasket kit and case.




Sweet! I love it!

Splitting the cases, looks like there had been some moisture in there...

<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="" flashvars="">
The 288 is done, well for now. This project is a 281...

Does anybody know where to get the small old 281XP sticker for the starter cover and the XP for the top cover??
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Yea, that saw was pretty rough. I have a 281 in a box too.

You ever find that flywheel you needed?
Do you need part numbers?




Thats what I started with- that is the "broken rod" as the tech called it when he told the other guy his saw was toast.
LOLOLOL!!!!! I just mean that it took yrs for that gasket to dehydrate to the shape it is now and it won't just pop back into shape instantly with the water treatment. You will have to help it a bit...slowly....gently....patiently...LOL!!;)


Oh Yeah! It took about an hour (but only about 5 minutes of labor) to soak, stretch, repeat. But it fits now! The picture is on the "donor" case half but I do believe it is ready for the one with the crank in it. Do you guys think I can put it in place on the high tack with the gasket a bit moistened? It is nice and pliable/stretchy when it's slightly moist. I was thinking I could do this since it will still be many days before I even think about having it together far enough to pour in fuel...

I decided to moisten and stretch some more. Now I have it sort of clamped in place and weighted flat, letting it dry. Maybe it will hold it's shape dry after this...
:cheers:Good Job Brian...Glad you were able to get it back in shape. Usually anything with a paper gasket I will not use a sealer as the moist paper itself is kind of a sealer. Basically any thing that the manufacturer/engineers spec for a thin paper gasket for is machined to very close tolerances and a ply-able paper gasket is enough to allow for any discrepancies. Most modern saws have a much thicker, harder base gasket and I do seal these with a non-hardening sealer such as HY-LOMAR which is my personal all-time favorite.
Good luck on this project....glad I was of some assistance even though I have never worked on this particular saw.:cheers: