Huztl FarmerTec 070 Build Thread with upgrade info and completed saw

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The supply chain then was a problem for some of those parts you may need google to show you vendors out of Germany for a few. I hope my videos are helpful. I just did not know what videos you watched, not that would help guide you if they weren't mine. Some of the information was not available until long after the builds, particularly the ignition update. That took trial and error. Those dang washers were super helpful. This thing is tuff on the head bolts. They can work loose in one sesson, even the oem saw. The washers stopped that, a guy in another country pointed them out to me. So there is enough info to keep you busy for a while and provide you with a great saw
Threw on a 41" bar and 404 and milled a bunch of +30" red cedar yesterday. The power and torque is awesome! I wish I had purchased this years ago.

Notes: This thing vibrates and shakes a lot.:cold: One of the oil tank bolts backed out along with one of the exhaust studs despite being properly torqued and treated with Rocksett. After 1 freehand test cut I have absolutely no desire to try and drop or buck a tree with one.

large displacement = big power = lotsa heat, I melted the spark plug boot.

The 2 front cylinder head bolts broke off on the 2nd to last slab left. Finished the job with my '66.

Despite these hiccups, I am very impressed by the performance of the powerhead and chain combo.
Not good breaking that much chit on a typical run in cedar no less.
Try some oak.
Well i must be too bull headed once I get a plan in my mind. I went ahead and center drilled and tapped a 14 x 1.5 mm bolt, cut it off and had to file the last few outside threads down to the root diameter but it sealed great on the copper washer. I left a small hole at the end of the bolt and installed a 084 decompression valve in the bolt. Then I used JB Weld to fill the old decompression button hole in the cover and drilled a new one for the new decomp valve. Repainted the cover and well since I had gone to all that trouble I installed Stihl badges ( in 42 years I have never sold a saw and do not plan on starting now}. It looks good and is so much easier to start!! Yes I need to push the decomp each time I pull the cord but at least I do not have to try to hang on to it AND hold the button down at the same time. A great improvement and it starts on the second or third pull. I'll try to post a video of it running in a day or so once the clear coat is hard.

View attachment 850702
Nice job.
That is not an 084 decomp valve.
088/880 yes.
Bed now quit bashing my saws. The 070 is not a feather weight but it sure does get the job done. I bought genuine Stihl for many years with out takes any shortcuts. The saw line up kept getting pricey and less and less reliable. Bought my first 070 over five years ago and yes had some problems. The first biggest was the decomp valve. Some modifications were in order, has worked perfectly since. I will put it up against any thing currently made. Nothing can compare to it's reliability. I can change carburetors in the field in two hours or less. About the same time I can pull the carb put in a fresh kit and be running with out fuss. The newer 661 is lighter and fast but it pulls a smaller chain which needs more attention. It can not be worked on in the field so what value is it. Thanks
Seems like he wants you to read the fifty pages here.
Swapped my 084 carb from saw to saw in the field last friday in fifteen minutes on my tailgate.


I read page one and fifty only because page fifty one had only one post.

First off is this rattlebox even worth considering when you already run 084s?

Secondly, with the G880 already out there now is this worth converting to an 090 dinosaurs at all?
It's a serious question if you mill big stuff.

Third has anyone converted or updated this ancient ignition system and flywheel to a mag fired setup that is not under the flywheel?


Give me all good points for milling, please, I'm all ears. Already know most the downsides so no need to hash that over.

Bet this post gets nothing after fifty pages of whatever over five years. Most of you know who I am and those who don't lets hear all about your 070 or 090 clone issues or not. Just a nuddher greenhorn looking at a big heavy thing and wondering if it worth messing with.
So you are well know and so must be an expert and you come into a old thread wanting people to make it longer by telling you things you actually don't care about. That seems odd. Why not just read the thread and learn what happened but then you said you don't like to read. These saws are not for experts and famous people.

Quoting odd things some not even related is odd too. You must have been sent by the admins to drum up posting. So sad. Youmust work cheap. Good luck on your new gig
Quoting odd things some not even related is odd too. You must have been sent by the admins to drum up posting. So sad. You must work cheap. Good luck on your new gig
Nope, he's not sent by the admins he's just like that. For some reason every now and again guys will feel the need to dredge up dead and long-dead threads and add their two bits to them.
Well, bad news. Filled her with fuel and oil, choked her and pulled and pulled and pulled some more........ never even let out a hiccup. Tried a squirt of fuel down the intake, nothing. Checked for spark, no spark. Checked all wire connections, tried a different plug, unhooked the kill wire, even ran a new spark plug lead since the kit came with an extra. Looks like I got a bad coil/stator🤬 I have an email into the vendor I purchased from, we will see what he says.
Well, bad news. Filled her with fuel and oil, choked her and pulled and pulled and pulled some more........ never even let out a hiccup. Tried a squirt of fuel down the intake, nothing. Checked for spark, no spark. Checked all wire connections, tried a different plug, unhooked the kill wire, even ran a new spark plug lead since the kit came with an extra. Looks like I got a bad coil/stator🤬 I have an email into the vendor I purchased from, we will see what he says.
Ofcourse the one thing that can't be fixed with a wrench or screwdriver!