Huztl MS660

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Mmm damn. I had pretty well convinced myself I couldn't pass up a 660 kit. All my other bases were covered with real-deal-Stihl saws, but I needed that BIG saw.

I just went to the website to see they're sold out. I guess that tells me I didn't really need one after all.
Stop and look before you leap. HL kits are farmertec and the cost is higher. They gave a special price to those that offered their love in a special buy and those guys waited 3 full months for those kits to be delivered. Delivery from China is 7_8 days. From Florida is about 3_4 depending on how far west you live.

And look at what they got. Trouble. Upgraded cross cylinders not up to snuff and they were extra cost. I bet that fella fixes that, he is no dummy. My bet is the cross was suppose to be upgrade performance enhanced option and who ever is making those cross cylinders does not understand that concept.

They should have assembled one of those kits and found the flaws and fixed them. Had they done that before sending out kits with major flaws that folks had been waiting on a very long time then buying from HL would have made sense. That's not what happened.
So I just received mine from you are saying that not all these kits are FT?
I didn't upgrade to the Cross cyl...the FT cyl needs a bit of work, not terrible.
Haven't tore into the individual packages yet, but so far it looks like the flywheel keyway, 660 decal (and bushings), heat tape is missing.
So I just received mine from you are saying that not all these kits are FT?
I didn't upgrade to the Cross cyl...the FT cyl needs a bit of work, not terrible.
Haven't tore into the individual packages yet, but so far it looks like the flywheel keyway, 660 decal (and bushings), heat tape is missing.
If you were part of the special buy, that's what I wrote about. If the box is full of farmertec bags then it's farmertec if it were has Cross bags then they were hybrid. All in, my guess is, even though the screw bag says cross they are farmertec. My angle was if they took time to mess with the hybrid box contents and help by labeling the location too, how about checking to see if it's all there and all the jugs are all in ready to go shape, especially the cross jug that was a bonus, a cool idea. Buyers waited a long time. When I buy from HL they seem like a very together company to buy from. The boxes did seem to be in good shape. I am sure each and every kit will produce an awesome saw. You still get to compete.
A friend of mine knows I have some large saws. He has a large maple that is dying and wants me to remove it for him. He says the base is over 30" in diameter and that it does not look rotten. I assume the trunk is worth money to someone for lumber??? How do I find someone that can use it?
Guys that sell mulch will sometimes buy wood to make mulch, as milling lumber you might try Craigslist.
A friend of mine knows I have some large saws. He has a large maple that is dying and wants me to remove it for him. He says the base is over 30" in diameter and that it does not look rotten. I assume the trunk is worth money to someone for lumber??? How do I find someone that can use it?

Such a big tree might yield beautiful lumber...and it might be full of nails. Who knows. So it might be worth something...and it might not. Gotta find someone who is willing to take a risk on it. Or find people that want slabs. ..and slab it with a chainsaw mill. Best to find a buyer first either way. Craigslist is a good suggestion...or some local tree guys might know someone.
i heard back from them on the rain check and of course you can see they are back up. she said they put them back on so you could benefit from the price but you may have a 4 days or so ship out delay maybe less. i thought that was nice who cant wait a few extra days to save a bundle so don't be concerned if it ships a few days late. the sale must have went well for them.