Never heard that one!Oem Seals and wrist pin bearing ..... think I read about a 066 jug that was cast as a copy of a masterminded jug
Never heard that one!Oem Seals and wrist pin bearing ..... think I read about a 066 jug that was cast as a copy of a masterminded jug
Its this one here Cross Performance apparently got several builders to do cylinders for them and then cast them - see - Post 9 on.
The only thought I have is that sometimes Chinese quality control isn't all that great. On a lot of stuff I've ordered I've had to modify it to fit. Most of it will work, however.@weimedog maybe you have some input. I put a oem chain adjuster in and gave the saw to my neighbor then a few days later he comes by with the adjuster stripped out. I figured he stressed on it tightening up the long bar. So I grabbed another and installed but this time I looked closely at it and the oem is a .004 smaller in diameter. A 064 066 and 660 use same adjuster but I wonder if the 088 is that much larger. I will order a 088 adjuster today to see. Anyone have any thoughts
Huztl adjuster
Ms660 adjuster