As far as the shipping, I just received my 2nd MS660 today. Ordered it on Jan 3rd and 9 days later it was at my door! The first one took 10 days total. This 2nd one looks a littler more beat up? The box was damaged on one end and some of the parts are scratched up. The handle assembly, one corner got chipped.
The Chain brake assembly I bought a Stihl chain link lever to compare the two. The Stihl chain link lever works perfect with the kit handle and all the rest of the parts, no "redneck mods" needed. They look very close as far as parts go, but the geometry is different and that does make all the difference. I have a pic of both of them on a piece of paper with grid lines and if you look closely, the link position on the Stihl part "A" is about in the middle, on the Farmertec it a bit more towards the top. Also it looks like on the Stihl part "A", that arm is slightly longer? Farmertec suppliers need to disassemble a Stihl chain brake lever, measure every feature and copy the geometry exact.
The kit that I got won't engage the brake. I was reading some past posts and was thinking it might be because of the mechanisms pivot points and the oem one will solve this?When did the ms660 brake become a problem that's on the 440.
I do have exactly save issue, it does not engage at all.The kit that I got won't engage the brake. I was reading some past posts and was thinking it might be because of the mechanisms pivot points and the oem one will solve this?
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Quick question for the motor cover, it seems that I am missing these parts (should be inserted in motor cover)
Am I wrong ? Do you have teh same, never seen any discussion about that
Its like the heat tape under the muffler, that is missing from all the kits also.
So does the chain brake link need replaced with oem or has anyone made a fix for it yet? I recall reading earlier in the post that people where having to shave off some of the plastic handle, or is this unrelated? I also thought someone mentioned they had to put a rivet in something or the other, or drilled something out related to the chain brake. I don't have my notes with me today.