Continuous cycle would be a very bad ideal. It is easy to do but very dangerous. I dont even like the autocycle valves. I just feel I need some sort of personal input as to when and where I want the cyl to stop. With a continuous cycle, you have even a momentary lapse of awareness and you could easily loose a finger, hand, arm, or worse, before you can take any action to prevent it. A autocycle valve is not quite as bad as it does take input from the operator before it will cycle which gives you time to make sure nobody has their hands in the way, but once you hit that lever its going to make a complete cycle, or at least cycle until the pressure setting is reached, which is way more than enough to cut off a finger. I would at the very least have to know a little more about your splitter plans before I would even attempt to offer advise or suggestions. Just because it can be done, doesnt mean its should be done.