Geeezus! Yall need to chill, damn, everywhere I go, yall be fighting, go off to other threads for while to do the mod junk, come back and you guys are going at it again, thought u two made up. U guys remind me of the brothers in Oceans 11,12,13,14....... Constantly bickering at each other, but when someone else jumps on one of ya, the is there to defend,lol. NOW STOP! I really dont want put yall in a corner, but I will. So please chill.
I think I have this figured out. We as tree people, live a pretty extreme life, we are constantly trying not to destroy stuff, while destroying stuff, so we are always on edge. Kinda like a Jarhead who was kicking doors down in Iraqastan, then comes back to the rear, gets bored and beats the crap out someone............becuase he is bored. Same thing here, when the talk is about the science or normal day to day, its boring. Only when someone has a crazy sit come up, it becomes intereting again, so in the meantime, yall try too destroy eachother via the net...........becuase your bored. Take all that energy and put it too a book!
That being said, another thing I want to address, everyone slamming each others gear. Some have new, some have old. Different paths and different roads have brought us here. Some work very hard to get what they have, some don't have too, both are good. Lets have a little respect for the fact that we all know how hard this life is. Gear don't make the Arb,
the work in the tree does. Now stuff, that has no place on a job site, that is different, but a guys well used old dump........should not be a target. He might not have had the same opportunity as you. Some guys have it all, that does not make them better. I had hoped that I could build what I have into something like Marquis's outfit and leave it to my kids too take and run with. Guys get bent out of shape when they see someone has more, why? I love the fact that others, in my industry, are kickin it and takin it. I may not like the color, their graphics, their name,etc. But is does not affect me, so really I don;t care, its your stuff, you can paint it pink if ya want, your stuff.
If we want to argue, lets argue about the science, then we will learn. I know its not as fun as slammin each other over every little thing. But ya could learn something and still get to kick down a door.
Its Friday