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Why not take your saw to the remaining oak and cut it down to chunks you can haul home? At least you won't lose the wood to someone else. Split them to size later. 
Tom, you're always so helpful.. thanks for being a contributing member here! :notrolls2:
How about building the face up with a wedge shaped piece of metal welded to the front of the existing toe make a flat surface again. You could build spikes into it to stop a repeat performance.
I went to Home Depot to check out their log splitters and in the rental dept.
they had 3 Huskee splitters 2 of them the welds at the plate were cracked
and the toe was bent over I'm going to see if they will sell one cheap.
I went to Home Depot to check out their log splitters and in the rental dept.
they had 3 Huskee splitters 2 of them the welds at the plate were cracked
and the toe was bent over I'm going to see if they will sell one cheap.
Where you planning on buying one cheap then Calling SpeeCo for a warranty claim or rebuilding yourself?I went to Home Depot to check out their log splitters and in the rental dept.
they had 3 Huskee splitters 2 of them the welds at the plate were cracked
and the toe was bent over I'm going to see if they will sell one cheap.
Carolyn, Glad to see Speeco responding on this forum. I've mentioned somewhere in this forum your 22ton unit has a small issue. The wedge gate( as I call it ) could stand to be a bit more robust. Me and my neighbor both have one and we have both managed to bend the so call (built in log holder..nice marketing on that one ). If a piece doesn't split and gets really stuck tight in the retraction back through the gate there can be enough force up high to bend and distort those angles welded onto the beam ( you know...built in log holder). Those angles in my opinion should be chucked for a more conventional method of guiding the ram on the beam and install real log holders. Of coarse the gate would need redesigned then too. BillLet me know if there is anything we can do for you.
800.525.8322 ex.146