What do you think I'm doing? You're not the brightest one in the area, are you? You must really have this thing upside down don't you? You see, I'm the smart man, and you are just some kind of tree huger. While you are nipping at my heals, I'm all over this thing like you can't imagine. It's what I do day in and day out. I eat and breath saw dust. Then I go around estimating jobs looking like it. The biz is spot on this: don't damage property i.e. trees, women, and children. Everything else is in their heads. If they say they like how the job looks, then I take their word for it. It's in their heads, and the money falls in my hands. I'm not here to suck off trees because I "feel sorry for the H.O.s." I'm in it to make the most money by making the most out of myself number one. Yep, this includes making certs and etc, but I sure would be a douche bag to take this machine i.e. myself
to another company just to give him :spam: 3/4 of what I'm worth, now wouldn't I? I'd never be able to pay for those certs nor all of the equipment I've already got a good start on. I'm all biz and not just a guy that is out there to rub some tree. Maybe some day I can hire the Jeffs to rub trees for me while I take the big percentage of what those guys are really worth to an owner, but there again.... I'm not interested in actual tree rubbing. Are things transparent enough for you now, Jeff? I bet I had you worried I'd be taking down some palm trees here and there for instance like stuff you'll never see from that office chair!