That was the idea whipper snapper
i was joking ofc, google ftw!
That was the idea whipper snapper
Yeah just see what they got, without being on my job.What is it that you want to see happen? To be able to check out new guys beforehand?
That is what I give my prospective employers. I say, lets do a day and go from there, whatever the result lets just be cool and no hard feelings although the last bit don't come easy.
Screw the papers, screw the interview. What is a resume'? Lets get together and see how we run first. I feel it my responsiblity as a prospective employee to let them know my skills. A guy can say anything, I know, I do, don't mean much.
I do understand the hesitation of new hires, its downright scary and you shouldn't be giving the keys to someone you just met anyway. Jocab Hoadley said to me one day something about when a tree service owner jsut lets the guys go out with out him he is asking for a world of hurt and I beleive the crap outta that.
It wise to set up interviews somewhere besides your own property. Have em meet you on the job til trust is established.
I told Rick Landis about Johnny beforehand. He was young, sold dope ( real dope) , had a tough life and was in jail and was violent. Well rick knows that now. Sure Rick could have snapped his head off in one motion but not while he was sleeping or on the job and that is when Johnny made his move.
Good climbers are hard to come by at the right price. I eliminated most of them as I started using this new chainsaw system that reaches over 40'. Got an email about this system from a friend in another state. Google "Extended Reach Chainsaw System, don't have the email anymore or i would have posted it. My profits are way up since I started using this system, made my money back in one job, and it's a nice tax offset as well.
Go get em boyz
Have you not ever helped out a friend?
Any failure of the system due to poor workmanship or material(s) or saw failure within one year (1) from date of receipt is under warranty. Commercial use, Professional use, and rentals are excluded. All warranty returns must be approved by American Tree Service Supply prior to shipment by the customer and must be pre-paid! No exceptions! Customer must return failed equipment in original packaging! Factory maintains the right to refuse to honor any warranty, whether implied or stipulated by state law; and deny such claims when system has been subject to abuse, obvious misuse, inappropriate usage of a system for which it was not designed nor intended for.
That's funny..Good eye. Worthy of a rep even.Yeah, I've met lots of guys who'll spend their time spamming forums just to help out a friend.
Tell us again how you don't have any monetary interest in the product.
The funniest irony of the whole thing, is you're using internet guerilla marketing on a commercial tree forum, and you're products warranty specifically excludes professional/commercial use of the product.
Here it is:
Why don't you/they just say "We don't gaurantee crap, and once we've got your money you're out of luck.", cause that's how it reads to me.