I found a Bandit. Is it a good deal?

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Ya, the jackwagon gets around..........

BRUSH BANDIT 200 PLUS WOOD CHIPPER - $3000 (springfield)
Date: 2012-07-10, 10:11AM CDT
Reply to: see below [Errors when replying to ads?]
Reply to: [email protected]

YEAR 2001
12" FEED

key words: nVermeer 1220 hydraulic feed 12" wood chippernissan maxima altima sahara audi bmw ford honda accord civic yamaha scion explorer ford toyota avalon camry sierra mercedes gmc ranger saab impala lexus volvo truck sedan suv coupe cadillac
Wood Chuck WC 17 Wood Brush Chipper Disc Chipper Auto Feed yamaha scion explorer ford t2004 VERMEER BC625A CHIPPERavalache chevy smart FMC wood chipper WOODMAXX 8" PTO Drive Heavy Duty Wood Chipper WM-8M 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 springfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfieldspringfield

Location: springfield
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 3130188790

This guy is still not deployed and tryin the same scam almost a year later

View attachment 252535
Before I read the email this guy sent you, my thoughts were that something was amidst. Ther is no way an 01 bandit 200 with 800 hrs would go for 3.5K. More like 7 at auction, and closer to 10-12 retail.

And where may I ask, did they tell you it was worth 2 grand?????

Yep. I have that model of Bandit, and mine is older than that, with much more hours. I would laugh at you if you only offered me 3.5K for it. Literally! Laugh in your face and throw you off the lot.

It's a scam that preys on the greedy wood cutters that are willing to take advantage of some fool that undervalues their machine. The victims of this scam are probably the same hacks that go door knocking and telling granny that she needs to cut down her favorite oak because of the carpenter ant eating it.
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Yup, definately a scam!

You guys nailed him for the machine year, model, hours and price, not to mention that he's been dragging this thing all over the country...

To top it off, he'll never deploy with his PsyOps Battalion because your Marine Corps doesn't even have 1, not to mention 10 PsyOp Battalions!

Semper Fidelis and Good Luck!

hahaha. this is too funny. this seriously made my bad night feel alot better. :hmm3grin2orange:

i hope this guy gets caught before someone gets scammed. i too have been scammed by buying a 394xp for $600 off ebay. turns out it needed over $800 in repairs just to make it in working order. an entire rebuild. :msp_mad:
You guys nailed him for the machine year, model, hours and price, not to mention that he's been dragging this thing all over the country...

To top it off, he'll never deploy with his PsyOps Battalion because your Marine Corps doesn't even have 1, not to mention 10 PsyOp Battalions!

Semper Fidelis and Good Luck!


PsyOps Battalion, wow! That is too funny

To top it off, he'll never deploy with his PsyOps Battalion because your Marine Corps doesn't even have 1, not to mention 10 PsyOp Battalions!...

I'll bet that "PsyOp Battallion" reference is the scammer's secret code for "I'm scamming you and you are too stupid to know it". The scam artists have no respect for their victims, so it's their way of making fun of the chumps that fall for the scam.

PsyOp=Psychological Operations.

To top it off, he'll never deploy with his PsyOps Battalion because your Marine Corps doesn't even have 1, not to mention 10 PsyOp Battalions!

Semper Fidelis and Good Luck!


I thought the entirety of the Marine Corps was all PsyOp. I thought the entire purpose of keeping them around was so that foreign powers get the message "Better be good, or we'll send in the Marines..."

Isn't that PsyOps?
You are both correct...

Yup, the Corps is at the international level of SpyOps, as we are the Nation's Force in Readiness, an entire Corps of Marines ready to assault anywhere as directed by competent authority. "The Marine Corps job is to kill every little thing that gets in the way..." or words to that effect...Full Metal Jacket.

The kids play that game too...

This guy has committed, at a minimum, fraud. In many jurisdictions, there are enhanced penalties for fraudulently representing yourself as active duty Armed Forces. Those are similar to impersonating a police officer, but again, it varies with jurisdiction. He COULD be prosecuted, but there are more serious crimes to address with the limited resources available. It doesn't violate the federal law on impersonating a soldier (18 USC sec 702) because there is no uniform. Any time urgency comes up in a transaction, you have a great chance of receiving stolen merchadise or being duped. If it's a Craigslist ad and urgency comes up, it's always fraud. We hear stories about the people murdered when they respond to a CL ad, but rarely do we hear about the thousands of people robbed (I don't mean duped - I mean someone stuck a gun in their face, took their cash, and pistol whipped them) when they showed up in person for a Cl transaction. The problem with CL is that, at best, the guy placing the ad either cannot handle his business well enough to afford the a couple of bucks Ebay will cost, doesn't have a credit-worthy identity to have a credit card on file because he can't handle his business, or doesn't have the pocket change for a traceable classified ad. At worst, it's a crook setting a trap. I don't do business with people that don't have two nickels to rub together because if they can't handle their own business, how are they going to treat me in the transaction? (rhetorical question) For that reason alone, I don't do CL. It's full of crooks and idiots.
Craigs list is a good tool. Many used items on sale from fair people. I buy lots of stuff from CL.

That being said, I don't buy on the honor system that someone will ship it, and I don't count anything as a good deal until I have seen it, negotiated a fair price, and loaded it onto the truck.

Mostly I use it to place help wanted ads. Works pretty good for that.