Is that a custom made, "mint" condition wooden starter cord handle?This one is a peach, maybe the custom starter handle adds $450 to the price of this "MINT" saw
This one is a peach, maybe the custom starter handle adds $450 to the price of this "MINT" saw
They have trees in Florida?
Philbert please do not be leading people to your eBay siteNot even sure how to put this . . . . other than delicately . . .
Followed a link to a clone saw chain grinder on eBay. No particular reason. Just out of curiosity, I thought I would check out the other items in the seller's store. Everything else listed appeared to be, . . . (ahem) . . . 'adult' sex toys - mostly motorized.
Part of me was surprised that these items existed. Part of me was surprised that they are openly sold. Part of me wonders what I might be missing - I mean, I have always 'enjoyed' sharpening chains, but if this kind of store is selling them, I may have been using my chain grinder all wrong?
Philbert (confused)
Hey Cus if I bring my trailer saw and alaskan saw mill up do you want to split the lumberIf one of you guys dont jump on this im gonna have to:
Is that a 440?well, sort of...