Addicted to ArboristSite
This ole boy thinks he stole...I mean found a a golden nugget

The dude freaked out on me when I asked him about it. He literally sent me this. word for word.. sorry about the f-bomb but it was word for word. I like his 084 for $1,800.00. LOL..
This is your problem. Your a know it all.
Your a communist. You dont believe in free markets.
You really need to mind your own business instead of trying to tell other people what they can and cant do.
Seriously leave me the **** alone."
Anyone need a snack?
Rare Sandwich-(make offer)
I just looked at other stuff and Holy cow!! How does he sell anything?!?
This guy, obviously has CAD, and his wife is making him sell some saws. So, he over prices them, hoping they won't sell. But if by chance they do, he's making one hell of a profit.
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i should try that.. "Sorry babe, noone wants my stuff".. "must be all junk"
Did you get it?
Straight 8? If so, that'd be worth a drive to investigate!