Could you pick it up for meDon't Ask Me To Pick It Up, Cause If I Go Near It It's Coming Home With Me And I Don't Have The Room
Foley Belsaw Sharpening Equipment - $100 (Saint Bonifacius)
View attachment 858897
"Lot of Foley Belsaw sharpening equipment. For use or parts Thought maybe it could be a fun new hobby. Cleaned most of it up, and checked to make sure everything moved freely. But I honestly don't have time for the learning curve and my wife doesn't have the patience for me to get into another hobby. So the green tools taking up space in my shop should go to someone who can use them or needs parts. I'd prefer a buyer that would take the whole lot. Below is a list of whats included.
$100 they're worth more but I need the space.
Might be willing to trade for other wood or metal working tools. Let me know what you have in mind.
Located in Saint Bonifacius (Minnesota).
I would prefer you pick up, but could negotiate delivery within reasonable distance.
Call/text for additional info or pictures.
No 387 Automatic Filer
-Fair condition. All adjustments operate, nothing is seized, paint isn't great and there is surface rust on the unpainted parts. Motor runs smoothly and quietly, file arm moves freely and is easily driven by hand wheel. Friction drive wheel is dried out and broken (P/N 3589043 at so motor cannot engage drive wheel. Could be a good machine with a cleanup and a little TLC.
No 46002 Circular Saw Blade Attachment for 387 saw filer.
Looks to be in good shape. Also probably of very little value in todays world of carbide circular saw blades.
(2) No 353537 Manual Circular saw setters?
Without looking through the manuals this is my best guess. One is just the frame the other seems to have most of the parts.
Gear driven racks for filer/ retoother/ power setters.
14 of them various pitches. 15th one broke when I tripped and fell on it.
Blade holders for retoother/ setters/ filers.
13 of them.
No 392 Automatic Power setter.
Looks to be in the best condition of any of the tools. Motor runs smooth and quiet, all the inner bits seem to move freely under motors power hammer makes hammer sounds when running.
No 330 Power Setter
Condition Looks Rough, One of the adjustment knobs seems frozen, I started soaking it in PB Blaster. However, it looks like the inner bits all move freely under the motors power.
No 385 Power Retoother
Missing belt motor doesn't sound good, But mechanism moves freely with flywheel.
No 332 Retoother
Motor sounds good, mechanism turns freely. Looks like it should work pretty well. Belt is old and should be replaced.
No 314 Grinder
Runs well has two jig holder attachment arms and some jigs.
No 359 Trip hammer setter
Looks to be in good shape.
No 308 chainsaw sharpener. Everything works.
Carbide blade grinder. Missing a lot of carriage pieces, motor and stand are good for parts.
Box of Belsaw parts. Looks like there's a couple non belsaw grinding guides in there.
All of the manuals, and a lot of instruction guides are included.
2nd in lineCould you pick it up for me.
Heck, for the right grinder at the right price I'll be at your place this week, and I ain't never been there either lol.Yes buy it for me and store it until I get to Minnesota. I will pay you back then (haven't been to Minnesota in my life but who knows).
I ain't never been there either lol.