husqvarna 372 xp | eBay $250 BIN
Husqvarna 372xp, Powerhead. stihl,440,066,371xp,365xp,455,390xp,385xp | eBay $275 BIN free ship
Husqvarna 372xp, Powerhead. stihl,440,066,371xp,365xp,455,390xp,385xp | eBay $275 BIN free ship
they say they run but how well. they are selling them, ya know?
This one dont have a breaker or spinner but is lots cheaper.
My 2100CD threw the chain off a 28" bar and, yes, scares the poo poo out of you it does. Luckily enough the chain wrapped around the tree instead of my arm.
Government folks don't have to have a good reason. Maybe they outsourced the work to a private company. Maybe they standardized on STIHL saws. Maybe the paint was scratched . . . (maybe they don't work at all)...
Husqvarna 346XP Chainsaw New Edition | eBay $355 BIN, better grab it before some bids and ruins the BIN price
My 2100CD threw the chain off a 28" bar and, yes, scares the poo poo out of you it does. Luckily enough the chain wrapped around the tree instead of my arm.
Fess-up. Who got them???? Both were bow saws and both went for $60... You were quick!
yeah, you're right. at the price it might be worth a risk. though it would be even better if one of the joja boys went and investigated. doesn't seem as if any of them are paying attention. or maybe they are. lol
Not me.
Is Guido back in town?
No chain catcher? I usually just see them hanging down below the saw when they jump. Not a big deal. Never had a chain break though, that might be different (?)
This guy sounds like a real treat to deal with. "It's not new so don't expect new...." Then he puts up some grainy photos, and wicks attitude when guys ask him questions about it.
Was hoping it was you.
It's all right there - an electric 441, in pieces. What questions could you possibly have?
They are.
It's all right there - an electric 441, in pieces. What questions could you possibly have?
I hope you are joking.
It's all right there - an electric 441, in pieces. What questions could you possibly have?
I hope you are joking.
Philbert never jokes, always dead serious.
I wonder what the price will be in a week, or so?..............
900 evl echo chainsaw