Not to be a butt head... but if people would do some of their own simple research... a lot of clutter would be avoided...
It's not that I hate it... it is just amazing to me that the same questions can be asked the same day, or with in hours of each other... There is a wealth of info here on AS... but to honest, not a lot pf p[eople use it without being steered in the right direction. Most questions asked can be answered with a simple Google seach.
I know lots of people want to be "involved" and stuff... and they think that their questions and topics are the first time it has ever been posted. This happens on every forum I belong to. Whether it is saws, dirtbikes, hot rods, fishin', or huntin'... it's all the same. But I digress... maybe I need my own "obsolete knuckledragger" forum... so I can b1tch to myself. LOL