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Wanna buy a saw?
You're not kidding. Wow, never thought those would bring the crazy premiums.
You mean like this?
Possibly. I've never paid attention to the Poulans. What did that thing go for new?
Its been a while but I don't belirve I paid that much for it new in the early 80's.
Eh. Considering the average price for a saw in todays market, I wouldn't mind paying that for a running piece of equipment if I was in a pinch and needed one quick. Thats just the market for a tool that can do a job. Nothing too wrong with that. Doubling the price on something tho? A little nuts when its less than 10 years old and cost more than I've made in some months in the last year. I bought a MS200T about 5 years ago with a scored cylinder for 25 bucks and it had NO COMPRESSION! Took it home, polished out the piston and jug with 3000 grit sandpaper. A new pair of rings and a jug gasket it is still running today. Might putter out if you leave it idling for more than a minute but will pull the chain if I bury every inch of the bar in maple and it'll do fine in harder oak. Its all in what you're willing to pay.
Well I can't sell a saw around here to save my life. Stihl's are all stihl sitting here so why not try a Homelite. I have someone now interested in it.
Not at this time Randy.
You wanna buy a saw or two (or three)???
Nope. You got the wrong Randy.
What is a saw BTW?