Any keepers in this here pile?:rolleyes2:
5 chainsaws
For fifty looks good. lots of parts there even if they do not run.
Any keepers in this here pile?:rolleyes2:
5 chainsaws
Has to have some sort of gear in there as the powerhead turns backwards from the saw blade, has to....
Any keepers in this here pile?:rolleyes2:
5 chainsaws
Is that darker looking saw a John Deere? It is wearing a JD bar and there is also a JD case in the pics. If so, it would probably be a keeper.
This is like the 3rd or 4th one that has shown up on eBay (maybe the same one?).
McBob posted in that thread that it's actually the power unit for a bomb lift/hoist.
Hi Ted,
I tried, but cant find his posts anywhere...
McCulloch 700 Modified Chainsaw Powerhead | eBay
Can you dig them up?
Its the power head off a bomb loading winch i have a complete unit here
A Mac SP125 with the 101B motor just ebay!!
This one has a big ole West Bend looking motor: Vintage Jacobsen "Lawn Queen" Lawn Mower 1948 Antique | eBay
If i'm not mistaken, I believe Jacobsen
made there own motors.
Yep, looks like a 98cc Jacobsen two-cycle.