Hi westcoaster90,
The 390/395 wouldn't be dedicated to milling, but I wont say it would never get used for milling, milling is mainly why I bought the 3120, and the Great price that Dave "The Chainsaw Guy" has on them
For CSM, I am thinking more about making tables, than lumber, and am looking at milling 20-44"? slabs for Coffee-Dining size tables eventually, with the 3120 doing the heavy milling and a 390/390 for bucking the logs. the 390/395 would also see a bit of firewood duty, we often cut wood in the 24-30" range that other people don't like to deal with, and we often are cutting at 5,000 feet elevation and above, as high as 6,200' so far. Burying a 24" bar on the 266 at over 5,000' the 266 is struggling. I could probably tune it for higher elevations, but I am not much with tinkering with saws, and the house is only at about 1,200', rather than retuning saws, I would rather have them tuned for lower, and accept a loss of power and fuel economy at elevation, rather than run them lean down lower, besides, it's an excuse to get another saw, right?
I have been a model railroader since I was a little kid, and have more locomotives than I can even guess at, in multiple scales (probably well over 100), I can see CAD, being a similar addiction, I can see the 390/395, a 550xp. possibly another 3120 being added to the collection, and as noted in another thread my wife enjoys going woodcutting, and has mentioned many times, again this morning, that she wants a saw of her own. I'm thinking a 445/16" would be a great size/power/weight/price balance for her. She said that saws are "Useful" and I won't get any arguments about more saws from her

, Sorry guys, she's TAKEN