What I really want to be able to do is descend immediately, in a smooth seamless motion, without having to do a change over, but I'm prolly preaching to the quire now.

While surfing you tube a few days ago I saw a new twist on a RAD's system. Still using a gri gri(or rig, id, etc.)but in place of a hand ascender he used a Vt(I think) hook to a pulley. He would advance the Vt to move up like you do with a hand ascender and pulley. Here's the twist. He ran a tether from the top of the Vt to his belt(Can't remember what he used to do this, but I can think of lots)
so now when he descended using the gri gri the tether would pull the Vt and pulley down with him, so it was always in hand reach and didn't need to be removed. I can't find the Video again.
kind of fits the bill of immediate switch from ascend to descend. In all fairness I haven't tryed this, but plan on giving it a go. A rope wrench would maybe fit what you are looking for. Hi tech, low tech. I like that.