1. Ash doesn't have a particularly distinctive smell, but what it does have changes as it ages.No, that's what I thought at first, too. But it 1) doesn't smell like Ash, 2) split way too easy, 3) wasn't stringy, 4) was light in weight, not heavy like Ash and 5) the grain doesn't look anything like Ash. I've cut a fair amount of Ash firewood and this is definitely not it.
2. Ash is one of the easiest splitting of the commonly used hardwood firewoods.
3. Straight grain Ash isn't stringy unless green, and even then isn't nearly as bad as many others. It's particularly "non-stringy" once it's been killed by EAB and stood dead for a while.
4. Ash is, comparatively to other common hardwoods, fairly light, especially once seasoned a bit.
5. The grain on the wood in that picture looks like Ash.
I owned a tree service in Ohio for 20 years and cut thousands of Ash trees and split many hundreds of cords of it. All that being said, it's possible it's something else. It can be tough to tell from one picture, even for someone like me, who has cut far more than "a fair amount".