I live in PA and we are fighting a similar battle. You need to do a bit of organizing and get in touch with your state reps. I am on record in other posts here as agreeing that not everyone has a location suitable for an OWB, however for those that do, this type of regulation is excessive and intrusive.
I have no problem with some common sense type of regs, but this type of broad sweeping legislation is simply unacceptable. Start lobbying your reps now before it gets too much of a hold and see if it can be squashed now.
And do not think for a minute if you have an indoor stove that you are safe. These people just will not stop. Give in to this and tomorrow they want that.
This is a threat to all wood burning, be it owb, fireplace, stove, EPA cert stove. You name it, it will be taken one piece at a time if you let it.