Yes, the thing was weighted to fall on the roof and the pull had to compensated along with the hinge. Can't really see how the hinge was placed. Maybe it seemed like a long cut because of valid reasons. The backcut seemed quick, maybe to quick, maybe to big of a notch. I will cut from the side position of a notch and do so often. I would say Homey was sleeping on the job, wasn't sunk in deep enough on the spar and was not even expecting anything eradict... not good.
I also think the hinge might have broke a little to soon. It looks like I would have cut it lower for more holding wood in the hinge. Maybe just a few feet or so would have made the difference.No not maybe, it would have and it looked like there was room to fit a longer piece.
I slip, haven't slipped like that in a long time even when getting hammered, but just the other day I slipped of the fat maple trunk about 15 feet above the ground. I was trying to go up but lost my grip with my hands... oh well, good thing I was on belay. And I certainly don't slip when I am cheek deep into money cuts.
I also wouldn't really call this guy an idiot even though he should have been a little more ready. Sure I will make em shut the machines down if there is something I want to get across, I'm not bashful.
You wanna make fun of this guy? Ok, I need to see you in action then. But he should have a hat cause he should know that stuff just might happen.