if you catch a theif steeling from your property

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Why not just communicate with them? Ask them what circumstances led them to commit this crime. Find out who's to blame for their shortcomings. Help them help you to identify the reasons they didn't take the path that most of society takes in earning money. Ask what forced them to depart from the methods that those more fortunate employ to fund their survival.
Can you imagine there are people that would actually ask the above to someone, OTHER THAN THEMSELVES, who were assaulted, robbed or otherwise criminally violated.
What's this USA coming to? PLEASE! Don't answer that.

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There is No One to BLAME for a Thief Stealing, Except the THIEF THEMSELVES, PERIOD.

Theft, as well as Rape, Assault, Murder etc. are all DELIBERATE CHOICES, that the CRIMINALS make of their own Free Will, and LAZINESS, is usually the motivation for Theft.

Stealing is simply EASIER, than WORKING FOR and EARNING something.

The "Bad Childhood" Sob Stories are just a Lame Excuse and Crutch, there are many, Many, MANY People who came from underprivileged backgrounds that have gone on to become very successful, it CAN BE DONE, but it takes a lot of sweat and EFFORT, Stealing is just EASIER

I Personally work with a woman that I greatly Respect as a fellow Driver, who is Good at what she does, and who is a Very Hard Worker. She started down the Wrong Path when she was young, has a Felony record for Breaking and Entering as well as Assault and some other violations.

She decided that she didn't like the path her life was on, and decided to CHANGE, No it ISN'T EASY, but you have to WANT to change, and make it happen. Her past isn't something to brag about, but I sure RESPECT that she did what it took to Change

Others COULD change too, unfortunately too many just don't have the "Drive" to do it.

Doug :cheers:
I hope you read the whole post and was able to tell I was being sarcastic.
There is No One to BLAME for a Thief Stealing, Except the THIEF THEMSELVES, PERIOD.

Theft, as well as Rape, Assault, Murder etc. are all DELIBERATE CHOICES, that the CRIMINALS make of their own Free Will, and LAZINESS, is usually the motivation for Theft.

Stealing is simply EASIER, than WORKING FOR and EARNING something.

The "Bad Childhood" Sob Stories are just a Lame Excuse and Crutch, there are many, Many, MANY People who came from underprivileged backgrounds that have gone on to become very successful, it CAN BE DONE, but it takes a lot of sweat and EFFORT, Stealing is just EASIER

I Personally work with a woman that I greatly Respect as a fellow Driver, who is Good at what she does, and who is a Very Hard Worker. She started down the Wrong Path when she was young, has a Felony record for Breaking and Entering as well as Assault and some other violations.

She decided that she didn't like the path her life was on, and decided to CHANGE, No it ISN'T EASY, but you have to WANT to change, and make it happen. Her past isn't something to brag about, but I sure RESPECT that she did what it took to Change

Others COULD change too, unfortunately too many just don't have the "Drive" to do it.

Doug :cheers:

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Nope i wouldn’t kill for trying to walk away with something but you’re not gonna leave without bleeding. Trying getting in my house and all bets are off.
I hope you read the whole post and was able to tell I was being sarcastic.

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Yep, I read the whole post, but missed the sarcasm. In my own defense, I live near, and work in Portland, OR, and Sadly, there are entirely too many, including Portland's Mayor Ted Wheeler, that would say Schitt like that in all seriousness. Portland has gone so over the top liberal that it is nauseating :baba::baba::baba:

Sorry that I missed your intended sarcasm, guess that I am getting a bit "Sensitive":) about that kind of nonsense;)

Doug :cheers:
@gunny100 has this happened more than once? What r "they stealing?" As kids we fished a pond close to us until the old ***** shoot rock salt from a 100yrds away. We wernt old enough to realize we should of prob asked permission first. Just realized when u heard a bang and **** hits the water to run! We had poles and found a bunch of nightcrawlers the rainy night before and liked fishing. Maybe u could talk or maybe u should use force. Ur the judge on this one. And dear lord delete all of this post before that happens! Talk to a moderator! FLMAO!!!
Well I was going to come to slightly defend gunny but I'm sure he can do it himself.

Let's face it, society in the USA has degraded to a tipping point near no return and it is tipping in the left direction. I'm could never defend shooting at someone for stealing property outside my home but folks these days don't always go for what's outside AND they have little regard for life and EVEN LESS respect for authority. Perps know they can get away with almost anything under the sun crime wise. The rules of engagement are 180* from what they were 50 years ago. THAT'S the sad and pathetic truth. Anyone with sympathy for those that steal are flakes with no sense of reality. These types are idealists that perpetuate these societal problem by trying to dwell in the supposed gray areas and never addressing the problem. IMO there are VERY few gray areas. Right is right and wrong is wrong and there is almost no room for in between. What's been happening is the in between is now being called the gray area. I call this the excuse area where blame and lack of personal responsibility exist. Think about why the areas with the most stringent "gun control" laws are have the most gun related violence and the areas where a high percentage of law abiding citizens carry guns has the least. Not very gray is it? Pretty darn obvious.
Gunny, you have a Very Serious case of Anal Fixation going on, with a Strong touch of Sadism added in as well:surprised3::surprised3::surprised3:

You may want to find someone that you can "Discuss" these issues with that may be able to offer you a bit of "Professional Advice" ;)

Doug :cheers:

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Yup. That's why they are frustrated to the point of becoming violent. It's pretty scary when a group becomes violent due to political beliefs but it happens all the time. Ironic that they are the tolerant and peaceful party.
inconvient truths are so irratating to the libs

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There in lies the problem. particularly here at my shop - unless I can hand everything they need on a silver platter to them it gets little to no response other maybe a foot note at the district office. Even when my car was stolen it was "so what happens everyday", but when it turned up in a gun play incident that was a different story. Police are nothing more than a reactionary organization- little to not much on the proactive side. Yet if I take the initiative to be proactive all of a sudden I am the perp. Don't wash in my book never has never will, but then I didn't really grow up as a city slicker and the rules of engagement were quite different.
Jeez I thought it was mainly the UK that the law / justice is all to cock !!even if the law can be arsed to do anything all the scum get is a slap on the wrist!
Gunny, you have a Very Serious case of Anal Fixation going on, with a Strong touch of Sadism added in as well:surprised3::surprised3::surprised3:

You may want to find someone that you can "Discuss" these issues with that may be able to offer you a bit of "Professional Advice" ;)

Doug :cheers:
just taze them and call the police
i guess no need to spank their ass
Cops get a real bad rap. Most of them work hard and do their job properly and according to established policies.
People that want cops to police their personal homes are living in another world.
It's really not that difficult. Follow the rules/laws and don't be a cowboy by taking the law into your own hands. If you think you are justified in murdering someone that is making off with your broken weed Wacker you are out of control. Take the gun that you might use for the weed Wacker the if and put it to the side of your Mellon, rack a round and pull the trigger. It will save a lot of hassle and possibly innocent lives.
If folks have a problem with cops not taking care of them or whatever PLEASE DON'T call the police when your child goes missing or when your vehicle gets hit and run in the local Walmart parking lot. I'm pretty sure most of you cop hating, macho cowboy vigilante types are frequenting Walmart regularly.

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