Cops get a real bad rap. Most of them work hard and do their job properly and according to established policies.
People that want cops to police their personal homes are living in another world.
It's really not that difficult. Follow the rules/laws and don't be a cowboy by taking the law into your own hands. If you think you are justified in murdering someone that is making off with your broken weed Wacker you are out of control. Take the gun that you might use for the weed Wacker the if and put it to the side of your Mellon, rack a round and pull the trigger. It will save a lot of hassle and possibly innocent lives.
If folks have a problem with cops not taking care of them or whatever PLEASE DON'T call the police when your child goes missing or when your vehicle gets hit and run in the local Walmart parking lot. I'm pretty sure most of you cop hating, macho cowboy vigilante types are frequenting Walmart regularly.
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Sorry Challenger, if you view me that way you are WRONG, I'm Not looking to pull the trigger, definitely prefer to not to have to draw my weapon at all, theft from my yard is one thing, you're in my home at 2:00 am UNINVITED, is a Whole Nother story, you will likely be "Leaking" before you leave.
In 2008, my home was burglarized, the Ba$tards weren't even going to respond, just mail me a Report to fill out, until they were told that my Gun safe was stolen, and it included Assault Rifles(Those SCARY things Ya Know), then when the ASSIFER did show up, he had a "Don't Give a SCHITT Attitude" and clearly felt that his time would be better spent with a Hot Cup of Coffee and a Donut. I lived alone at the time, and showed him where they would have handled anything, and that there wouldn't be many fingerprints besides my own and the thief's, " Oh, Fingerprints aren't really all that important" REALLY????
Of course, this SAME Dept, had plenty of time to pull over and TICKET a former Girlfriend who (Amazingly) Wasn't speeding, or anything else, for having some stickers in the back window of her Pick Up, that COULD (But DIDN'T) "OBSTRUCT, the driver's vision, out the back window", of course put a Refrigerator, washer, dryer or load of firewood back there, COMPLETELY BLOCKING the rear window, and that is FINE.
Now, if you don't even BELONG in this country, don't have a drivers license or insurance, speed, run red lights or what ever you feel like, IF you get pulled over, you will likely just get a VERBAL WARNING. I lived in that area for more than 35 years, from the age of 5, Trust me I have a VERY GOOD Idea of the value of the Gresham, OR PD, and it AIN'T just "One or Two ASSIFERS", if you think that Dept, deserves Respect, you don't know a Damn thing about that Dept. The Clackamas County Sherrif's Dept (Completely different County) is a TOTALLY Different Story, and is a Dept that DOES DESERVE RESPECT. I Do respect those that EARN IT.
The Portland PD, I have more mixed feelings on, there are some Good officers, but their hands are tied by Portland's Piece of SCHITT Mayor Ted Wheeler. Between or Governor Kate Brown and Ted Wheeler, Decent citizens that expect the LAWS to be ENFORCED, haven't got a Hope, in Oregon, and Portland in Particular.
Nope, Not a Cop Hating, Cowboy Vigilante(Just BAD Cop Hating Citizen), don't frequent Wal-Mart much, and unless there were injuries, I wouldn't hold out much hope on getting an officer to show up to a Hit and Run there, or anywhere else.
If a Loved One were to go Missing (God Forbid) I would Sincerely Hope that it would be in Clackamas County, Their SAR (Search And Rescue) are among the BEST, they are VERY GOOD at SAR