I have a copy of the new movie, Hadwin's Revenge, but haven't watched it yet, wanting to watch it with some of my tree working buds.. but we've all been busy. Looking forward to it! I'd say any anti-logging bias is good, as far as the abhorrent rate at which they are still logging old growth on Vancouver Island and in BC
. The Ancient Forest Alliance is doing what they can to stem the tide, and at least protect what can be saved. Google "Big Lonely Doug" for a video of some of my BC Arb friends climbing the tree
About halfway through the first paragraph
Ummm, where in hell did I say I'm anti-logging? Perhaps you should quit being so sensitive. What I don't like is what went on in the past and what is going on in Canada...clearcuts too large.... the best forest is not one with stands of even aged second growth, but a diverse one... and that can be maintained better if less logging is done...and, where possible and practical, more standing trees left.. maybe some even thinned or crown reduced to reduce windthrow chances while the new forest grows around them. I'm well aware of how fast a woods can regenerate, especially redwood and spruce, even Doug-fir, and know clearcuts, in general, are best for regeneration of a sun loving tree like fir....
As well, the ecosystem is very important, and is always going to be more diverse and healthy in a diverse forest.
There is a lot wrong with this second quote, not the least of which crown reduction on a stand of timber is about the stupidest and pointless thing I can think of, these ain't japanese maples in someones back yard, and no one in their right mind is going to suggest hiring a bunch of overpaid tree climbers to trim the branches on a tree in the middle of nowhere. Simply not cost effective.
As far as clear cuts vs thinning, every forest needs is own treetment, sometimes its better to just start over, on a grand scale.